Today, August 5th, the Sheridan County Board of County Commissioners had the opportunity to reduce your property taxes. By law, the BOCC is required to approve property tax mil levies by the first Monday of August. Forgetting to do so in advance of the deadline, the BOCC put the item on the agenda for a Staff Meeting. Don't you think they would want to do this at a regular meeting?
Now reducing the mil levy won't make much of a dent in your property taxes, but, in today's world, every little bit helps. I likely would have bought your groceries for a week or paid your utility bills for a month, which is better than nothing. Even so....
Commissioner Holly Jennings made a motion to reduce the mils from 12 (the maximum allowed by law) to 11. Not one of the Frivolous Four seconded her motion, allowing it to die.
What you can take from this is that You Are Not Important. The Frivolous Four only care about themselves, their power, and the amount of money they have available to spend on their pet projects.
Vote wisely, friends.
Easy to see why they didn't want Holly in their little cushy club where they spend and waste other people's money.