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How much is $11,500,000,000?

The following was written and submitted by Chris Williams of Johnson & Sheridan counties. It was originally sent out as an email. We have reproduced it here because, as you'll see, Mr. Williams went to great effort to research data to support his position and makes some useful observations about our State and its Government. Any errors in transcription are ours.

Wow!  What a session!  I had always heard about goat rodeos growing up in Texas.  But had never actually seen one in person until I witnessed the events of the 67th Legislative Session of Wyoming.  While it was entertaining (at times), what an absolute cluster…

Congratulations to the 38 Wyoming House Democrats on their list of amazing accomplishments at the recently completed 67th Legislative Session of Wyoming.

I sincerely have to tip my hat to how you masterfully institutionalized record spending in Wyoming for the foreseeable future.  You and your governor claim to be ‘fiscally conservative’ and to care about setting up Wyoming and our grandchildren for future success.  History will record, though, that the 67th Legislative Session of Wyoming was close to being the final nail (if not the final nail) in the coffin for Wyoming’s economic future...

Some of you may be saying "38 Democrats?  I thought there were only 5 Democrats in the Wyoming House."

There are 5 Democrats who have the courage, honesty and integrity to call themselves Democrats.  And there are 33 Democrats who do not have the courage, honesty and integrity to call themselves Democrats - they have to lie, obfuscate, twist themselves into pretzels in order to deceitfully refer to themselves as Republicans.  The only way these 33 can get themselves elected is by calling themselves ‘Republican’ in 'the most Republican state in the Union.'

We are all aware, by now, of the language these 33 will use in the next 5 months to deceive you.  But the good thing is that all of them have a clear record to which they can be held to account.  These 33 were the gift that keeps on giving during this session - the volume of sound bites and video clips they provided will be priceless for opposition campaigns.

  • Just because a man calls himself a tree does not make him a tree.

  • Just because a man calls himself a woman does not make him a woman.

  • When a ‘Republican’ votes to increase spending by more than 30% from the last biennium and then calls themself ‘fiscally conservative', that makes them a Democrat, not a fiscal conservative.

  • When a ‘Republican’ inserts poison bill amendments into good bills on parental rights, abortion and transgenderism and then calls themself a conservative, that makes them a Democrat, not a conservative.

  • When a ‘Republican’ votes with real, honest Democrats more than 75% of the time, that makes them a Democrat, not a conservative

  • It reminds me of a story I recently heard - legend has it that Abraham Lincoln asked a group of people if a dog’s tail were a leg, how many legs would the dog have?  The crowd responded - five!  Lincoln said, ‘No.  The dog would have four legs.  Just because you call the tail a leg does not make it a leg.’

FOR THE RECORD - in terms of ‘Democrats’ - there is nothing wrong with being a Democrat.  I think what people are sick and tired of is politicians who say one thing and then do another.  Imagine how much less stress there will be in the lives of these 33 pretzels if they just come out of the closet and admit to their constituents who they really are, what they really believe, how they really vote, who they really represent (their liberal, lunatic donors who want to transform this country into a socialist utopia where the government is all powerful).

For those of you who were too busy working two jobs over the last month (JOB #1 to pay your tax obligations to fund the ridiculous amount of spending increases approved by the 38 Democrats; JOB #2 to pay for your own rent/mortgage, clothing, insurance, car, food, fuel, electricity, etc. - just know that the 33 Pretzels have told us they will do what is best for you and your families, but in reality all they did was continue to enrich themselves, their friends, their families and their liberal, out of state donors.

My apologies in advance for the length of this email (it’s about a 45-minute read)…blame the 38 Democrats, not me.  They are the gift that keeps on giving - so much content to choose from.


Believe it or not, as much content as they have provided, I chose to scale back what I have shared here…as long as this email is, it could have been a whole lot longer - but I had to save some material for the upcoming primary campaign.

For those of you who do not have time to read this entire email (because you are working two jobs), I have included a partial table of contents here to inform you up front what the various topics are which I cover in this email (so you can decide what is of most interest, value, entertainment to you)…

  • The Looming Battle in the House

  • How much is $11,500,000,000?

  • Where does some of the $39,430 in government spending per yer per family of four go to?  (how many of you receive $39,400 per year in state government benefits and services?)

  • Questions for private citizens reading this email

  • Where will the $11,500,000,000 come from?  (HINT:  You.  Not the mineral companies or investment earnings)

  • $29 BILLION in Wyoming State Reserve/Savings Accounts

  • Accomplishments of Governor Gordon and his 38 House Democrat Colleagues

  • Spending Record of the 33 Pretzels vs. the 5 Honest Democrats

  • We do not have enough money, we cannot afford (to tax less, to spend less)...

  • Economic Truisms

  • What happens when you combine historic spending with economic truisms?

  • Whinings from the representative from House District 37

  • Comparing vote totals:  Wyoming House Democrats vs. Texas High School Homecoming King/Queen

  • Educating the House Speaker on why this session took so long (HINT - the bigger government gets, the more time and money it takes to manage/run/maintain it)

  • 38 < 24 (yes - 38 is less than 24 - that is not a typo)

  • Wyoming Brain Drain (all of Wyoming’s best and brightest have left Wyoming - I AGREE!  We need to bring them back - it is clear from what I observed over the last month that Wyoming’s best and brightest are not the ones controlling the levers of power in Wyoming state government)

  • An idea for the new logo for the Democrat party (HINT - a pretzel)

  • What we learned watching the committee and floor debates and testimony (HINT:  the 38 Democrats represent their donors and government friends, not the voters)

  • You Ain’t From Around Here

  • Speaking of Tourism (and ‘you ain’t from around here)

  • Speaking of Pretzels

  • State Sponsored Pornography

  • Property Taxes

  • Six Examples of Liberal Math

  • Rocky Mountain Power

  • Mental Health

  • What is the best way to reduce (eliminate?) mental health issues in Wyoming? (HINT:  get rid of godless Democrats)

  • Wyoming is Not a Bank (actually…if it were a bank, it would be the 76th largest bank in the country…out of ~4,800 banks)

  • Household Income, Insurance, Retirement (Government Employees vs. Private Sector Employees)

  • Ethics

  • Suggested Mandatory Training for Our Public Employees (state, county, city, town, special districts) and Elected Officials - it’s clear our government employees and elected officials need a refresher on basic economics and civics 101


At the end of the day, the August primaries will be a very important referendum for Wyoming – is it Democrat or is it Republican?

More accurately,

  • Is Wyoming ‘Conservative’ or ‘Liberal’?

  • Does Wyoming want to stay true to the founding principles of this country and state?

  • Or does Wyoming want to continue down the historically proven path of failed socialist utopias?


If you support the decisions made over the last month, then, by all means, vote for the 5 Democrats and 33 Pretzels in August.


But if you do not support the decisions made over the last month, then you need to look closely at the list of 33 Pretzels who disingenuously call themselves Republican and strongly consider replacing them with true conservatives.

Think of this email as the kickoff to the 2024 campaign.

Think of this email as exposing the 33 House Pretzels for who they are, what they believe.

Think of this email as drawing the battle lines for August, defining the terms of engagement for this year’s election.

To my ‘Democrat' colleagues, friends and family...if you like this email, then, by all means, please forward to anyone and everyone you can think of…

To my ‘Republican’ colleagues, friends and family…if you like this email, then, by all means, please forward to anyone and everyone you can think of...

May the best team win!

But…before I summarize the best parts of the goat rodeo, I need to call out the leaders of the state and county leadership of the Republic GOP.  While it is fair to ‘blame’ the 33 Pretzels for most of what just took place over the last month, at some point, our so called Republican party ‘leaders’ need to take some responsibility for standing by and letting these 33 Democrats hijack our party…until something changes with their leadership, everything documented in this email is going to continue to happen…and we all know what the definition of insanity is...

State and County GOP Leadership

  • At what point, one has to start asking the question ‘When will the State and County GOP parties start kicking out the Democrats which have infected the party?’

  • When will they start to protect the sanctity of the party?

  • There is a perfectly good party right across the street which is a much better fit for these 33 Pretzels

  • Do the State and County GOP parties really not see the destruction these 33 Pretzels (and other pretzels like them) are inflicting on the Republican Party?

  • It’s no secret that the Socialists and Communists have infiltrated many of our national institutions - education, military, health, etc.

  • The Democrats are using that same strategy to infiltrate (and destroy) the Republican Party

  • Surely there are rules and/or by-laws prohibiting ‘members’ of the party from saying one thing, doing another; not voting in line with the key components of the state and national party’s platform; voting like socialists, communists, democrats; etc.

  • What is the point of having a political party if the members intentionally disregard and disrespect the party’s platform?

  • Will the party censure these 33 Pretzels for not being true to the Republic Party Platform and principles?  If not, why not?

  • Will the party ask these 33 Pretzels to join the party across the street with which they are more closely aligned?  If not, why not?

  • When are the Republican Party leaders in our state and counties going to confront the elephant (or should I say ‘donkey’) in the room?

  • The Republican Party in Wyoming will continue to be impotent until it exorcises the demons (donkeys) that have taken over the party..

People often ask me, ‘Chris - how do we take our country back?’

My response, ‘Follow the Socialist/Communist/Democrat party playbook for how they have taken over the country.  They have provided us the blueprint.  No need to re-invent the wheel.’

But, it will take time - it took over 100 years for the communists to take over this country.  We can’t expect to return American to what it once was in our lifetime.  But we can start to reverse the tide and lay the groundwork/foundation.

Okay…on what you really want to hear about...the goat rodeo...

(I apologize in advance for any typos or grammatical mistakes - I ask for your forgiveness)

The Looming Battle in the House…

THE 38

(33 Pretzels and 5 Honest Democrats)

THE 24


Those who represent the government

Those who want to make the government look great

Those who represent the people

Those who enrich themselves, their family, their friends, their donors

Those who are made poorer by the government

Those who create problems

Those who solve problems

Those who think government is the ONLY solution

Those who think government is the problem

Those who exist to exploit private citizens

Those who exist to serve private citizens

Those who represent their donor constituents

Those who represent their voting constituents

Those who believe in power, control, submission

Those who believe in freedom and liberty

Those who find the founding principles of this country and state to be barriers to their ambitions

Those who believe in the founding principles of this country and state

Those who tread on the US and Wyoming Constitutions

Those who believe in the US and Wyoming Constitutions

Those who are for ‘big’ government

Those who are against ‘big’ government

Those who are addicted to spending other people’s money

Those who do not have enough money

Those who say one thing and do another

Those who do what they say

Those you cannot trust

Those you can trust

Those who believe we need more government in our lives

Those who believe we need more Jesus in our lives

Those who believe government is the solution

Those who believe Jesus is the Solution

Those (at least 3) who do not live in the district they represent

Those who live in the district they represent

Those who disrespect the law 

(Rules for thee, but not for me)

Those who respect and (for the most part) follow the law

Those who fake respect (show fake respect on the house floor, but the moment they step outside the house floor, they level personal attacks against those who are a threat to their power)

Those who show respect for others

Those who believe it is the government’s money

Those who believe it is the people’s money

Those who sound and vote like Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, AOC

Those who sound and vote like true, freedom-loving conservatives

Those who believe only the government is capable of raising your children

Those who believe parents know what is best for their children

Those who believe only the government knows what is best for your children

Those who want to disintermediate parents from their children

So How Much is $11,500,000,000?

  • During this legislative session, the Wyoming House and Senate submitted an ~$11.5 BILLION budget to Governor Gordon for the 2025/2026 biennium

  • $11,500,000,000 = the largest budget in the history of Wyoming

  • 2015/2016 = $7.8 billion (Governor Mead)

  • 2017/2018 = $8.1 billion (Governor Mead)

  • 2019/2020 = $8.1 billion (Governor Mead/Gordon)

  • 2021/2022 = $8.1 billion (Governor Gordon)

  • 2023/2024 = $9.5 billion (Governor Gordon)

  • $11,500,000,000 = 16% more than the budget Governor Gordon requested ($9.9B ==> $11.5B)

  • $11,500,000,000 = 21% more than what was spent in the 2023/2024 biennium ($9.5B ==>$ 11.5B)

  • $11,500,000,000 = 32% more than what the Wyoming Legislative Services Office (LSO) says is needed to operate the government at the same level of service in 2025/2026 as in 2023/2024 ($8.7B ==> $11.5B) 

  • $11,500,000,000 = 42% higher than the budget Governor Gordon inherited when he took office in 2019 ($8.1B ==> $11.5B)

  • $11,500,000,000 = ~$9,850 in spending per person per year

  • $11,500,000,000 = ~$39,400 in spending for a family of four per per year

  • According to the Wyoming Taxpayers Association, in 2021 (the last year data is available), Wyoming state and local government spending per person ranked third highest in the country

  • So it is probably safe to assume that Wyoming is still at least the third highest state in the country when it comes to state and local government spending per person


  • At the time of this email, there are still some budget related bills that have not yet been signed by the governor, and/or some vetoed bills that may or may not be overridden by House/Senate votes

  • Having said that, this summary of the budget is more than directionally correct - I trust the intelligence of those reading this summary to get the point - WYOMING HAS A SPENDING PROBLEM MADE EXPONENTIALLY WORSE OVER THE LAST MONTH

  • This $11.5B EXCLUDES-

  • ~$4B in projected spending by the 23 Counties, hundreds of Special Districts and dozens of Municipalities (cities, towns) across the state over the next two years

  • According to the LSO, several billion dollars that will be spent outside of the legislative process over the next two years

  • The ~$750 million which the legislature moved into state reserve accounts - increasing that total from ~$28B to ~$29B

  • As a matter of fact, the legislature has moved ~$2.25 billion to state reserve accounts over the last two years...

As recently as 2022, government spending for each family of four was ~$27,700. So $39,400 is a 42% increase in spending per family of four in just two years. 

To put that into perspective, 37% of all Wyomingites live on a fixed income (According to the US Census Bureau).  

  • A 42% increase in government spending has to be funded by a 42% increase in tax revenue.

  • Tax revenues only come from you (directly through taxes you pay or indirectly through the prices you pay companies for goods and services to reimburse those companies for the taxes they pay the government)

  • All of that to say, it is no wonder that 37% of Wyomingites who live on fixed income are freaking out about the higher cost of living and taxes they are having to deal with…

  • It is highly unlikely, the 37% of those living on fixed income in Wyoming can fund a 42% increase in state spending...

BOTTOM LINE - the 38 Democrats have duped us all into believing that Wyoming is a low tax state to cover up for the massive amount of spending they vote for.  That record, nation-leading spending then goes to enrich the friends, family and donors of these elected officials and government employees.  In other words, they are getting rich off of you.

The 38 Democrats would also have you believe that ‘mineral companies pay for more than 50% of the taxes in this state, so you, the private citizen really is getting all this government for free.’ I will address this myth later in this email.

Wyoming cannot be a low tax state if it is a high spend state.  High/record government spending can only be funded by high/record tax revenues...

Where does some of that $39,400 per year per family of four in state spending go to?

  • Average government employee salaries which are 20% higher than average private sector employee salaries (according to the State of Wyoming Department of Workforce Services) ($68,538 vs. $56,945)

  • $25,000 per year insurance plans for government employees (average)

  • 18-27% of salary per year pension plan retirement contributions

  • Funding an 81% increase in Education property tax related revenues since 2017

  • Has the cost of an education gone up 81% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Of course not.

  • Has your household income gone up 81% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Highly unlikely.

  • Has the population of Wyoming increased 81% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Nope.

  • 30% increase in state employee personnel costs since Governor Gordon took office in 2017

  • Has your household income gone up 30% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Highly unlikely.

  • $1.4 million to renovate the laundry room at the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy

  • How many of you would like $1.4 million to renovate your laundry room at home?

  • $2.2 billion for government run health care

  • $837 million for government employee insurance

  • $3.4 billion for K-12 and Higher Education

  • $10 million MORE to the University of Wyoming Athletics Department to fund ‘more competitive NCAA Division 1 sports programs’

  • $166 million more in personnel costs

  • $38 million for ‘affordable housing’

  • $23 million in excess contributions to state employee pension accounts above that which is required by state statute

  • Countless tens of millions of dollars spent on ‘workforce training’, etc. despite the fact that Wyoming taxpayers have spent >$ 15 BILLION on ‘Education’ (K-12 and College) over the last 10 years - if our education system is so great and is preparing our youth for the jobs of the 21st century, then why do we need tens of millions of dollars more in ‘workforce training’ programs to re-train our youth for jobs of the 21st century? 

  • A military partnership between the Wyoming Military Department and the country of…Tunisia (how many Wyomingites even know where Tunisia is?)

  • Child pornography (books) in our public and school libraries

  • Drag queen shows at the University of Wyoming

  • Gender Studies majors at the University of Wyoming

  • For the record, if someone wants to get a major in Gender Studies, then by all means…

  • But should the Wyoming taxpayer be subsidizing those majors?

  • If Wyoming is spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars in this next budget to re-train/re-skill our youth to fill more than 18,000 ‘highly skilled’ job openings, should we not reconsider re-allocating the taxpayer money going to subsidize Gender Studies majors?

  • $100 million to the Wyoming Business Council

  • In 2023/2024, the Wyoming Business Council created 197 jobs at a cost to taxpayers of ~$83m - that is a cost of $421,320 per job

  • Spending $421,320 to create a job is what I call 'liberal math'…

  • So what does the governor and legislature do?  They ‘reward’ the WBC with $14 million more in 2025/2026 (a total of $100m)

  • At $421,320 per job, that $14 million is projected to create 33.227 more jobs over the next two years...

  • As a matter of fact, the WBC has been around for more than 25 years and has received countless hundreds of millions of dollars

  • Yet, real GDP in Wyoming is on track to be $2.4 BILLION lower in 2023 than it was in 2015

  • Liberal math - the more money we spend on the WBC to increase our GDP by attracting new employers and employees, the lower our GDP

  • It might be a better investment if Wyoming just paid these 197 people (plus the 33.227 new jobs) about $100,000 to just not work - we could save the taxpayers $321,320 per job...

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point...

Questions for the private citizens reading this email?

  • How many families of four reading this email receive $39,400 per year in state government benefits and services EACH YEAR?  (i.e., roads, bridges, law enforcement protection, K-12 education, etc.)

  • ANSWER - Probably not many of you.  Most of the $39,400 per year in government benefits and services go to government employees, friends, family and donors of government employees and elected officials - more on this later...

  • How many of you have seen your household incomes go up 16%, 21%, 32%, 42% in the last two to five years?

  • ANSWER - Probably not many of you.

  • According to the State of Wyoming Department of Workforce Services:

  • Government employee average salaries increased 9.92% from 2022 to 2023

  • Private sector employee average salaries increased 1.95% from 2022 to 2023

  • How many of you are happy to know that you earn 20% less than your government counterparts ($68,538 vs. $56,945)?

  • How many of you are happy to know that your government counterparts receive (on average) $25,000 per year insurance plans (health, dental, life)?  

  • How many of you work for an employer who provides a $25,000 per year insurance plan?

  • How many of you are happy to know that your government counterparts receive 18-27% of their salary per year contributed to their pension retirement plans?  

  • How many of you work for an employer who contributes 18-27% of your salary to your 401K or IRA each year?

So where will Wyoming get $11,500,000,0000 over the next two years?

  • The 33 Pretzels and 5 Democrats would have you believe the following two lies provide most of the funding for Wyoming’s spending problem:

  • ‘Our friends in the mineral industry pay approximately 50% of the taxes in Wyoming'

  • Investment earnings from Wyoming’s $28 BILLION $29 BILLION in reserves

  • Why are these two statements lies?


  • Taxes paid to Wyoming by mineral companies (sales taxes, property taxes, severance taxes) are ultimately passed along to end consumers like you and me through higher prices those mineral companies charge us for the goods and services they provide us

  • In other words, mineral companies do not ’eat’ the cost of taxes’ - they cannot afford to do that

  • Mineral companies have to recover the cost of those taxes through the prices they charge their customers

  • If mineral companies do not recover the cost of those taxes through the prices they charge their customers, then those companies go out of business... and those workers become unemployed

  • So…at the end of the day, Wyoming TAXPAYERS pay ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF ALL TAXES to state and local entities (directly or indirectly through the higher prices they are charged by companies)



    • The $29 BILLION currently sitting in state of Wyoming ‘reserve accounts’ (i.e., savings accounts) came from taxes paid by Wyoming taxpayers over the last 30+ years

    • Any investment earnings on this $29B are earnings on taxes you paid

    • In other words, the state of Wyoming took $29B from your savings accounts over the last 30+ years and put it into its savings/reserve accounts

    • Therefore, any investment earnings on this $29B are earnings that should have gone to you had this money stayed in your savings account where it should have remained in the first place

    • These ‘investment earnings’ are really your earnings

    • The liberals would have you believe that this $29B in reserves helps keep your taxes down

    • In reality, this $29B (which is YOUR money) is used to fund MORE government spending that enriches government employees, friends, families and (out of state) donors...not to keep your taxes down


Speaking of Investment Earnings on the $28B in state reserves

  • Did you know that the $29B you have put in to the state of Wyoming reserve accounts over the last 30+ years only earns about half of what the S&P 500 returns each year (~5% per year vs. ~10% per year)

  • Again…more liberal math - take your money that you could invest in ’the market’ at 10% per year on average and put it into a state reserve account that earns 5% per year

  • And the liberals tell you that is a good thing, that you should be glad, that you should give them more of your money…

  • As a matter of fact, the Wyoming State Employee Pension System earns 6.8% per year on its investments.

  • For those of you who are mathematically challenged, 6.8% is greater than 5%

  • So Wyoming state employees are earning more on their pensions than the private taxpayers are earning on the $29B they have given the state…another example of government employees getting richer than those of us who pay their salaries

  • Maybe we should fire the investment manager for the $29B state reserves and replace them with whoever is managing the state employee pension system

While we are still on the topic of $29B in state reserves…did you know:

  • In 2023 (last year), the governor and the liberals put about $1.5 BILLION in ‘excess revenues’ (i.e., your taxes) into the state reserve savings accounts

  • In this year’s budget session, the liberals approved putting another ~$750 MILLION in ‘excess revenues’ (i.e., your taxes) into state reserve accounts

  • $1.5 BILLION PLUS $750 MILLION = $2.25 BILLION

  • How much is $2.25 BILLION?

  • $15,517 for a family of four

  • How many families of four would love to have that $15,517 back in their bank account right now?

  • How much is $15,517?

  • According to the Federal Reserve, US credit card debt hit a record high of $1.13 TRILLION in the 4th quarter of 2023  ($1,130,000,000,000)

  • $1.13 TRILLION = $13,697 in credit card debt for the average family of four

  • In other words, if the state of Wyoming gave back the $2.25 BILLION it took over the last two years from Wyoming taxpayers, those taxpayers could pay off their credit card debt  ($15,517 > $13,697)

  • Credit card debt that is being charged 18-27% interest vs. the 5% average annual investment return the state of Wyoming is earning on those taxpayer savings

  • Again, more liberal math…let’s take away $15,517 from families of four and earn 5% on that money, while the families of four are paying 18-27% annual credit card interest on their $13,697 card balances…

And we wonder why families are struggling...

A Partial List of Accomplishments of the 38 Democrats and their Beloved Governor (this is what they are so proud of) - this is what the governor and his 38 Democrat colleagues will run on during this election cycle


  • Spent in excess of $15 BILLION on our K-12 and Higher Education systems over the last 10 years (approximately $1.5B per year)

  • To put $15 BILLION into perspective, the state of Wyoming spends:

  • $1.5 BILLION PER YEAR on Education (K-12 and Higher Education) - it’s actually on track to spend in excess of $1.7 BILLION each of the next two years…

  • $7.9 MILLION EACH SCHOOL DAY on Education (assumes 190 school days each year)

  • $7.9 m per day = $85 per day per student

  • How many families with school age children feel like their child is coming home EACH SCHOOL DAY having received $85 in education value?

  • In other words, your child takes a check to school EACH SCHOOL DAY for $85.  If they don’t, then they can’t come into class.  When that child returns home that day, are they $85 ’smarter’ than the day before?

  • Over the course of the school year, you would have written checks totaling $16,140 - is your child $16,140 smarter?  Was that a good use of your household finances?  Or would you be better off spending that $16,140 somewhere else? 

  • Before your spend any money from your household income on rent, mortgage, car payment, food, clothing, etc., the first $16,140 from your household budget goes to ‘educate’ your child (THAT IS JUST ONE CHILD)

  • For families with 2 school age children, $32,280 from your household budget…

  • For families with 3 school age children, $48,420 from your household budget…

  • Etc.

  • 35% of the entire state budget is spent on Education

To put those numbers into perspective…

  • Wyoming’s per person and per pupil spend are both in the Top 10 in the United States (yet the Governor and his 38 Democrat supporters tell you that you are not spending enough on Education)

  • I have mercifully not included where Wyoming’s school achievement scores rank relative to other states - I’m sure you already have a pretty good idea, though, of what all of this money is not doing - why else would so many people be moving their children to ‘home school’ and charter schools?)

  • Dare I say, Wyoming Education spending is in the Top 10 in the country, but Wyoming Education achievement scores are below average?

  • In 2017, $886m in property taxes went to Education

  • In 2023, $1.6 BILLION in property taxes went to Education

  • This is an 81% increase in Education related property taxes in just 6 years

  • Have your salaries/household incomes gone up 81% in the last 6 years?  The answer is ’No’ - real wages in Wyoming have decreased 2% in the last six years

  • Has the population of Wyoming gone up 81% in the last 6 years?  The answer is ’No’ - population in Wyoming over the last 6 years is flat

  • Has the cost of an education gone up 81% in the last 6 years?  The answer is ‘Unlikely’ - there are no reliable statistics on this topic

  • Have Wyoming’s Education achievement scores/rankings improved 81% in the last 6 years?  ANSWER:  I would be surprised if they had

So…Wyoming has spent in excess of $15 BILLION on ‘Education’ the last 10 years, so what does the Governor and his 38 House colleagues ask for?

  • Countless tens of millions of dollars (maybe hundreds of millions when all is counted) to spend on ‘on the job training’, ‘workforce training’, ‘re-skilling our workforce’ programs, ‘etc.

  • As if $1.5 BILLION a year to educate and train our ‘future workforce’ (i.e., our youth) was not enough to prepare our youth for the jobs of the 21st century

  • What does it say about our Education system that we gave them $15 BILLION over the last 10 years, yet our youth are not prepared to perform the jobs the jobs of the 21st century?

  • What exactly have they been teaching our kids?

  • Child pornography in our school and public libraries?

  • Drag shows paid for with taxpayer money at the University of Wyoming?

  • That men can be women and women can be men?

  • That men can have babies?

  • Gender Studies majors at UW

  • Maybe we should demand that our Education system prioritize getting our kids ready to be working, productive members of society rather than teaching them where and how to go about changing their gender, what pronoun they should use to identify themselves or which bathroom to use

  • The governor told us in his 2025/2026 Budget Executive Summary that there are ~18,000 job openings in Wyoming

  • I wonder how many of those job openings require a major in Gender Studies…

Wyoming GDP

  • The governor claimed in his February 2024 State of the State address that ‘GDP is the highest it has ever been’

  • To believe that statement, you have to look at what economists refer to as ’Nominal’ GDP

  • Nominal GDP includes the effect of inflation on the value of goods and services

  • In other words, nominal GDP has been artificially ‘inflated’ by the effects of record inflation over the last several years

  • When you remove the artificial effects of inflation on GDP, ‘real’ GDP for the private sector is on track to be $2.4B lower in 2023 than it was in 2015

  • To summarize - the state of Wyoming, its 23 counties, its countless special districts and its countless cities and towns have spent in the range of $40-$50,000,000,000 of YOUR (taxpayer) money over the last 10 years, and what do they have to show for it?  A REDUCTION IN REAL GDP (A SHRINKING ECONOMY)

  • To those of us who have degrees in economics, this is not a surprise

  • Whenever you take $40-$50 BILLION out of the economy and redistribute it to the government, the economy will shrink - it is a mathematical certainty - unless you use liberal math… 

County Revenues

  • Property tax revenues going to Counties have increased 76% from 2017 to 2023 ($218m ==> $385m)

  • Yet the governor, the 38 Wyoming House Democrats and the 23 Democrats on the Wyoming County Commissioners Association tell us that counties do not have enough money - ‘We need more’

  • Have your salaries/household incomes gone up 76% in the last 6 years?  The answer is ’No’ - real wages in Wyoming have decreased 2% in the last six years

  • Has the population of Wyoming gone up 76% in the last 6 years?  The answer is ’No’ - population in Wyoming over the last 6 years is flat

  • Has the cost of running a county gone up 76% in the last 6 years?  The answer is ‘Unlikely’ - there are no reliable statistics on this topic

  • What is interesting about County Tax Revenues is that only about 10% of county tax revenues come from residential property taxes (some counties more, some counties less; but the average is about 10% statewide)

  • That means the other 90% of county tax revenues come from other sources - sales taxes, federal grants, state grants, vehicle registration fees, fees for services, cigarette taxes, fuel taxes, etc.

  • So when the Democrats tell you that we cannot afford to grant true ‘residential property tax RELIEF’ because that would mean the end of Counties as we know them, that is a bald faced lie - not only are the counties rolling in the dough (at record breaking levels), the rate of increase in tax revenues is historic

Wages/Household Income - Government employees vs. those who pay their salaries

  • Wyoming State Employee average annual wages are 20.4% higher than Wyoming Private Sector average wages ($68,538 vs. $56,945) (as of Q2 2023)

  • Wyoming State Employee average annual wages grew 9.92% from Q2 2022 to Q2 2023 vs. 1.95% for Wyoming Private Sector Employee average annual wages

  • As a matter of fact, when you do the math, the first $17,307 that a private sector employee earns actually has to go to paying the wages for the ~63,000 public sector employees in Wyoming

  • Said differently,

  • According to the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, the 63,251 government employees in Wyoming earned $3.844 billion in wages in 2023 (this number is wages - it does not include insurance and retirement)

  • According to the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, there were 222,158 private sector employees in 2023

  • $3.844 billion divided by 222,158 =  $17,307

  • In other words, the money to pay for the wages of government employees has to come from people in the private sector - the government does not ‘create’ wages...

  • Average Annual State Employee Total Compensation = >$100,000 (salaries, insurance, pensions)

  • Average Annual Private Sector Employee Total Compensation =< $80,000 (salaries, insurance, retirement)

  • If the 25/26 Biennium budget is approved, Wyoming state employees will see their total compensation packages (salaries, insurance, pensions) increase 30% from where they were when the governor was first sworn in in 2019

  • How many of you in the private sector have seen your total compensation packages (salary, insurance, retirement) increase 30% over the last 5 years?

  • Yet the governor and his 38 Democrat colleagues tell us that Wyoming state employees are not compensated enough, that many of them are on food stamps - He claims, ‘Wyoming state employees are only compensated at 2022 levels’ - what he does not say is that he is comparing their compensation packages to other state government employees from surrounding states, not private sector jobs

  • For an even more in depth comparison of the total compensation (wages, insurance, pension/retirement) of state government employees vs. private sector employees, see the ‘Household Income, Insurance, Retirement - Wyoming State Employees vs. Private Sector Employees’ section below

Government is the #1 Industry

  • Technically, the Government is not an ‘industry’ - Economics 101 teaches us that Government does not actually create value, create GDP - it only takes money and redistributes it

  • However, if you include Government spending into the GDP equation, Government is the largest ‘industry’ in Wyoming (>16%)

  • As a matter of fact, not even Mining is the number one industry in Wyoming - Government, if it were an industry, is larger than Mining

  • After the budget approved by the house and senate goes into effect (assuming no significant line item vetoes by the governor), Government spending as a % of GDP will increase from 16+% to ~19% (eventual percentage depends on actual shrinkage/growth in GDP over the next two years)

We have been told ’Tourism’ is the lifeblood of the Wyoming economy

  • However, according to the State of Wyoming Economic Analysis Division, Tourism ranks #9 on the list of largest industries in Wyoming (4.6%)

  • This means that Government is 3.6x larger than Tourism

  • This means that Tourism, the lifeblood of the Wyoming economy, only generates enough economic activity to ‘fund’ 28% of the Government…

  • As a matter of fact, Government (as a % of GDP) in Wyoming at 16.4% is larger than the US Government (as a % of GDP)  at 12.1%

  • You know your state government is out of control when state spending as a % of GDP is larger than federal spending as a % of GDP - who knew Joe Biden was more fiscally conservative than Mark Gordon?

  • Remember - depending on what Wyoming GDP does over the next couple of years, Government spending in Wyoming as a % of GDP will likely increase from 16% to 18–19% (vs. the 12.1% of the out of control federal government)...

Government is the #1 Employer in the State of Wyoming

  • 22% of all people who work in Wyoming work in the government (~63,000 out of ~285,000)

  • When you factor in ‘families and friends’ who rely on Government spending salaries, insurance and pensions, you start to approach 40-50% of the state of Wyoming is ‘dependent upon the government’

  • Pray to God that we have not reached a tipping point

  • When you do the math, the first $17,037 that a private sector employee earns actually has to go to paying the wages for the ~63,000 government employees in Wyoming

  • After that money is earned by those private sector employees and redistributed to public sector employee salaries, insurance and pensions, then those private sector employees have to earn the actual money that goes into roads, bridges, public safety, the environment, etc.

  • And then after that money is earned by private sector employees, then the remaining money they earn can go to the food, rent/mortgage, insurance, clothing, car payments, etc. for the private sector employees

  • As a matter of fact, there are 80% more government employees in Wyoming than employees employed by the tourism industry in Wyoming…but we are told Tourism is the lifeblood of our economy…

  • So when you are creating your household budget for next year, the sequence of priorities is the following:

  • PRIORITY #1 - wages, insurance, retirement for government employees

  • PRIORITY #2 - funding for roads, bridges, keeping our roads clear, ‘Education’, mental health, construction of new schools, maintenance of existing schools, construction of new government buildings, maintenance of existing government buildings, etc.

  • PRIORITY #3 - food, clothing, rent/mortgage, car payments, home insurance, car insurance for yourself

  • PRIORITY #4 - health insurance (if you can afford it); retirement savings (if you can afford it)

  • Like I said, this is only a partial list - I could have gone on forever, but you get the point



"We don’t have enough money, we cannot afford (to tax less, to spend less)…"

  • A popular refrain from the 38 House Democrats every time a conservative introduced a bill to cut spending or to reduce taxes on Wyoming citizens was ‘We (the government) cannot afford to reduce spending or reduce taxes'

  • The 38 House Democrats voted to spend $11,500,000,000 (which is $2B more than 2023/2024), but they say we don’t have enough money to:

  • Grant residents a few hundred million dollars in property tax relief…

  • Pay for repairing/replacing an ambulance in Niobrara county

  • Pay for more state troopers

  • Pay for more snow plows

  • Pay for improving our roads

  • The 38 House Democrats voted to put another $750,000,000 in the state of Wyoming’s savings accounts (on top of the $1.5B they put there last year), but they say we don’t have enough money to:

  • Grant residents a few hundred million dollars in property tax relief…

  • Pay for repairing/replacing an ambulance in Niobrara county

  • Pay for more state troopers

  • Pay for more snow plows

  • Pay for improving our roads

  • But we do have enough money to pay for:

  • Average government employee salaries which are 20% higher than average private sector employee salaries (according to the State of Wyoming Department of Workforce Services) ($68,538 vs. $56,945)

  • $25,000 per year insurance plans for government employees (average)

  • 18-27% of salary per year pension plan retirement contributions

  • Funding an 81% increase in Education property tax related revenues since 2017

  • Has the cost of an education gone up 81% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Of course not.

  • Has your household income gone up 81% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Highly unlikely.

  • Has the population of Wyoming increased 81% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Nope.

  • 30% increase in state employee personnel costs since Governor Gordon took office in 2017

  • Has your household income gone up 30% since 2017?  ANSWER:  Highly unlikely.

  • $1.4 million to renovate the laundry room at the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy

  • How many of you would like $1.4 million to renovate your laundry room at home?

  • $2.2 billion for government sponsored health care

  • $837 million for government employee insurance

  • $3.4 billion for K-12 and Higher Education

  • $10 million MORE to the University of Wyoming Athletics Department to fund ‘more competitive NCAA Division 1 sports programs’

  • $166 million more in personnel costs

  • $38 million for ‘affordable housing’

  • $23 million in excess contributions to state employee pension accounts above that which is required by state statute

  • Countless tens of millions of dollars spent on ‘workforce training’, etc. despite the fact that Wyoming taxpayers have spent >$ 15 BILLION on ‘Education’ (K-12 and College) over the last 10 years - if our education system is so great and is preparing our youth for the jobs of the 21st century, then why do we need tens of millions of dollars more in ‘workforce training’ programs to re-train our youth for jobs of the 21st century? 

  • Child pornography (books) in our public and school libraries

  • A military partnership between the Wyoming Military Department and the country of…Tunisia (how many Wyomingites even know where Tunisia is?)

  • Drag queen shows at the University of Wyoming

  • Gender Studies majors at the University of Wyoming

  • For the record, if someone wants to get a major in Gender Studies, then by all means…

  • But should the Wyoming taxpayer be subsidizing those majors?

  • If Wyoming is spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars in this next budget to re-train/re-skill our youth to fill more than 18,000 ‘highly skilled’ job openings, should we not reconsider re-allocating the taxpayer money going to subsidize Gender Studies majors?

  • $100 million to the Wyoming Business Council

    • In 2023/2024, the Wyoming Business Council (created 197 jobs) at a cost to taxpayers of ~$83m - that is a cost of $421,320 per job

    • Spending $421,320 to create a job is what I call 'liberal math'…

    • So what does the governor and legislature do?  They ‘reward’ the WBC with even more taxpayer money

    • As a matter of fact, the WBC has been around for more than 25 years and has received countless hundreds of millions of dollars

  • Yet, real GDP in Wyoming is lower than what it was 10 years ago

  • Liberal math - the more money we spend on the WBC to increase our GDP by attracting new employers and employees, the lower our GDP

Now do you see why I say the Wyoming state government’s highest priority is to enrich their friends family and out of state liberal donors rather than provide for the Wyoming taxpayers and citizens...

Speaking of increasing spending at historic rates, has everyone seen how the 33 Republicans Pretzels voted relative to the 5 true Democrats?

  • Nine House ‘Republicans’ (Pretzels) voted to increase spending more than the 5 honest House Democrats

  • Allred, Newsome, Harshman, Northrup, Sommers, O’Hearn, Henderson, Berger, and Western

  • You know you are a big spender when you vote to increase spending more than a true Democrat

  • 30 House Republicans voted to increase spending more than the lowest-spending Democrat, Rep. Provenza, who voted for $413.6 million in increased spending.

  • You know you are a big spender when Karlee Provenza votes to increase spending less than you do...

  • Now you see why I refer to the 33 fake Republicans as Democrats - any time you are outspent by a Democrat, you are a Democrat - and that’s okay - like I have said on many occasions, there is nothing wrong with being a Democrat - just have the courage to be honest with yourselves and your ‘voting’ constituents

Economic Truisms

  • The number one cause of inflation - government printing money

  • The number two cause of inflation - out of control government spending

  • Is it any wonder that we have experienced the worst inflation in the last few years since the 1970’s

  • In other words, it is no coincidence that rampant inflation in Wyoming and the United States are occurring at a time of record government spending and record printing of money

  • There is not a country, state, province, county, city, town or municipality which has ever taxed or spent its way to prosperity.  How many of you feel like you are prospering economically?

So what happens when you combine ‘Historic Spending’ with ‘Economic Truisms?’

  • You get higher inflation

  • You get higher tax burdens for the people (tax burden = taxes as a % of household income)

  • Because Wyoming state government cannot run a deficit, it must bring in enough revenue to fund the historic spending

  • So, when spending is an an historic high, taxes are at an historic high

  • Because government revenue and spending are increasing faster than the rate of people’s household incomes, then the tax burden imposed by these 38 Democrats on the citizens of Wyoming is at an historic high

  • I’m sure, though, that many of you already knew that because you already ‘feel’ it when trying to manage your household finances

To the whining House Democrat from District 37 (Steve Harshman - ed.):

  • For those of you not aware, the whining House Democrat from District 37 was prominently featured in an article during the legislative session where he was whining and complaining about the fact that all of the legislator votes were captured ‘via roll call’

  • For those of you not familiar with the ‘roll call’ term, it basically means that each vote cast by a House member on any bill or amendment in the House is captured - the purpose of ‘roll call’ votes is to ensure the vote of each representative is captured ‘for the record'

  • Normal people would say that capturing each member's vote on the record is a good thing - it ensures transparency and accountability - it allows the ‘voting’ constituents of that elected representative to know if that elected representative is voting in line with their expectations

  • Well, in the article that came out after the legislative session, the whining House Democrat from District 37 said that he does not like ‘roll call’ votes because it means his votes can be ‘weaponized’ against him - in other words, he does not want you to know how he votes

  • Only authoritarians and totalitarians hide their actions, behaviors, votes, etc.

  • As a matter of fact, the whining House Democrat from District 37 is the same one who loves to brag that he is representing the ‘will of the people’ every time he votes to increase spending or taxes

  • If he is so confident in his votes and that he is representing the will of the people, then why is he so afraid of roll call votes - it makes no sense…

  • If his votes are so great, then there is nothing to weaponize against him - unless he is worried that he is not spending and taxing enough

Perspective - Wyoming House Representative vs. Texas High School Homecoming King/Queen

  • Since my family moved back to Wyoming a few years ago, I have been struck by the pride and arrogance of some of the 38 House Democrats

  • Specifically, they seem to think they are ‘beloved by the people’, ‘doing the will of the people’, ‘we should be grateful for how great they are’, ’the greatest intellects and orators in the history of Wyoming and the United States'

  • When I look at the math from the 2022 primary, though, I can’t help but notice that many of the 38 House Democrats were each elected by fewer than 2,000 people

  • To put 2,000 votes into perspective

  • Each house district in Wyoming has between 5,000 and 6,000 registered voters, so 2,000 votes represents anywhere from 30-40% of the voters in a district - yet these 38 Democrats think they are representing a majority of the people 

  • If those same 38 were to have run for Homecoming King or Homecoming Queen at my high school in 1988, two thousand votes would not have been enough to win - in other words, these 38 Democrats aren’t even ‘popular’ enough to be the Homecoming King or Queen for a large high school in Texas…

  • Maybe a little humility is in order for these 38...

On the topic of the House Speaker whining about how long everything was taking during the session…

  • I guess it never occurred to him that there are two reasons why this session took so long...

  1. Wyoming government has gotten too big - the bigger it gets, the longer it takes and the more money it costs

  2. His 32 fellow pretzels and 5 Democrat colleagues submitted so many bills and amendments to further expand the size and power of Wyoming government

  • Maybe if the speaker and his 32 ‘merry band of pretzels’ were true to their rhetoric about being ’fiscal conservatives’ they could have finished sooner

  • But, true to the form of all good Democrats, they always blame others for that which they are guilty of

  • Speaking of the speaker, has anyone ever seen such a small man in such a big chair (literally and figuratively)?  The optics of this small man in such a big chair do not do him any favors...

38 < 24

  • My sources on the ground in Cheyenne tell me that they saw people wearing small, round, blue and white buttons that say ’31 > 26’

  • Presumably these buttons are to remind the math-challenged ‘country lawyer’ from District 40 and the House speaker from District 20 that there are not enough true conservatives in the House to have any material influence on the outcomes in the House

  • In light of the fact that there really are 38 Democrats in the House, I might suggest whoever created and distributed these buttons consider creating and distributing new buttons on them that say ’38 < 24’

  • Maybe they can have those buttons ready for the 2024 campaign season

  • Some of you may be seeing ‘Chris.  38 is not less than 24.  38 is greater than 24.  Is that a typo?’

  • My first response would be, ‘Based on the math skills demonstrated by the 38 Democrats over the last month, none of them are in a position to comment on math.’

  • My second response would be, ‘No.  The 38 Democrats in the House will always be less than the 24 courageous conservatives.'

  • Having said that, it would probably make things a bit easier on the citizens of Wyoming if we could replace many of those 38 Democrats in the August primary…at least we know the size of the problem we have to solve to bring much needed relief to Wyoming

What we learned watching some of the various House committees

  • Pretty much every time a bill or an amendment was discussed in a committee, the committee would always hear from business lobbyists and individuals representing the executive branch first

  • Once the business lobbyists and individuals representing the executive branch spoke, then the committee would hear from members of the public (i.e., the people who have to pay for everything)

  • In almost every instance (not all), the lobbyists/representatives of the executive branch would support any bill or amendment which either increased spending or was against tax/spending relief for taxpayers

  • And in almost every instance (not all), the members of the public would be against increased spending or for tax/spending relief

  • I’ll let you guess which constituency the 38 Democrats voted with nearly every time…

  • Truly remarkable and very eye opening just how consistent the 38 Democrats were in terms of which constituency they listened to and voted ‘with’

Bottom line, these 38 Democrats represent the lobbyists, their friends, their families, their donors - NOT YOU

Does this sound conservative or liberal?

  • We cannot afford to reduce people’s taxes

  • We cannot afford to reduce spending

  • We cannot afford to give people their money back - we need to put the surplus tax revenue in the government’s savings account

  • Record spending

  • Child pornography in schools

  • Voting against parental rights in education

  • Voting against requiring schools to notify parents of their children’s gender decisions

Yet many of the 33 Pretzels will go back to their districts and campaign in coming months that they are ‘conservative.’

Insert emoji of a confused face, exploding head

Again, I could go on and on, but I think all of you get the point.  Their words and actions are not aligned...

Wyoming Brain Drain

  • This is one of the funnier topics…

  • Representative Dan Zwonitzer mentioned on countless occasions over the last few weeks (so many occasions that I lost track) that ‘people are moving away from Wyoming’; that there is a ‘Wyoming brain drain’; that ‘Wyoming’s best and brightest have left Wyoming’

  • If that is true, then that means the native Wyomingites who have remained in Wyoming are not ’the best and brightest’

  • Which means that the native Wyomingites who are governing/in charge of Wyoming are not ’the best and brightest’

  • Based on what I have observed, since I moved here more than three years ago, I could not agree more with Representative Dan Zwonitzer

  • Those who currently run this state are not exactly ’the best and brightest’

  • As we like to say in Texas, ‘An order of fries short of a Happy Meal'

  • I had the good fortune of working with some of the best and brightest in the country and around the world when I was employed…I have a pretty good idea of ‘what good looks like’…and I can say with reasonable certainty that many of those running this state and many of its counties/municipalities are ’not good’ (especially those run by Pretzels)

  • This is probably one of the few topics where I do think it is in Wyoming’s best interest to repatriate Wyoming’s 'best and brightest’ - and while it is at it, I would encourage Wyoming to try to lure some of ‘America’s best and brightest'

  • I doubt it has occurred to Representative Dan Zwonitzer and his 32 fellow pretzels what the real reasons might be for Wyoming’s ‘best and brightest’ leaving - he seems to think even more taxes and spending (and the resulting high cost of living) will attract ’the best and brightest’

  • Some of you might be asking/thinking, ‘Well then, Chris, why did you and your wife move back to Wyoming?’  At the time we moved, we were trying to escape the liberal lunacy of the East Coast.  We (mistakenly) thought we were moving to one of the most conservative states in the country.  It did not take long, though, to figure out we had been hoodwinked. 

  • ’So Chris, why don't you just leave Wyoming?  Move back to Texas?’

  • ‘Because we love Wyoming.  It’s in our genes.  We would rather try to recapture Wyoming to what it once was by kicking out the fraudsters and the grifters...'

You ain’t from around here…

  • Another popular refrain from the 38 Democrats when they are challenged on a particular topic or issue is:  “You ain’t from around here’

  • This one kind of confuses me…

  • First of all, if you look at the bios of many of the 38 Democrats, many of them are ’not from around here’ (i.e., Wyoming)

  • Most of Teton County is not from Wyoming…yet they pay a massive portion of the residential property taxes in the entire state

  • If you look at the donor lists to the 38 Democrats, most of the donors are out of state liberals and out of state corporate political action committees

  • So…the 38 Democrats are funded by those who ‘ain’t from around here’, and, therefore, do the bidding of their donors…

  • But when you and I have a (good, helpful) idea or want to run for office, the best excuse the 38 Democrats and their defenders in the media can come up with is ‘you ain’t from around here’ (which, I guess, means our ideas aren’t very good…)

For the record, my family got to Wyoming long before nearly every one of the 584,000 (and their families) currently residing in Wyoming.  And we have had members of our family living in Wyoming continuously since the 1880’s...

But that is not the point.

I guess the pride of the 38 Democrats is this:

  • They would rather ignore a good idea from someone who ‘ain’t from around here’ and go with a really bad idea from their friends, family or liberal, out of state donors...

Like I said, maybe we do need to repatriate the smart, common sense Wyomingites back to Wyoming…

Sometimes you just can’t teach stupid…

Many of us who have moved to Wyoming in recent years did so to get away from the liberal lunacy/cancer affecting many other parts of the country. We thought we were moving to a ‘conservative’ state.

Now that we have found out Wyoming is as (if not more) infected with the liberal contagion than where we moved from, we have decided we would rather change Wyoming rather than move back to another cancer-riddled state...

Speaking of tourism and ‘you ain’t from around here'...

  • This one really confuses me

  • Maybe someone reading this can help enlighten me

  • The 38 Democrats and their friends, family and donors love to talk about tourism being the lifeblood of Wyoming

  • They love the fact that so much of our employment and tax base is based on tourism (even though the numbers tell a different story, but we will indulge the Democrats for a moment…)

  • All of that to say, the Democrats LOVE tourists (at least they LOVE the tax money they bring into the state)

  • More specifically, they love OUT OF STATE tourists

  • But…and this is where I get confused…they HATE those who have moved from out of state (unless you are a liberal in Teton County who pays an unbelievable amount of residential property taxes)…

  • So, on the one hand, they LOVE out of state TOURISTS, but they HATE out of state carpetbaggers…

  • I guess the realization I have come to is that as long as you come to this state and leave behind a lot of tax revenue, then you can visit (or even stay).  But if you suggest better ways to be more effective and efficient with how things are done, then SHUT THE HELL UP!  YOU AIN’T FROM AROUND HERE!  IT’S YOUR FAULT THAT PROPERTY TAXES HAVE GONE UP SO MUCH OVER THE LAST 6 YEARS!

  • But…and this is where I get REALLY confused…are the 38 Democrats not celebrating the fact that they had nearly $3B more to spend and put into government savings accounts over the next two years because of all the extra tax revenue that dumbasses like me brought to Wyoming?

  • Am I getting that right?

Speaking of pretzels...

  • Maybe the Democrat party should consider changing their national symbol from a ‘donkey’ to a ‘pretzel’

  • Although, a ‘donkey’ is pretty illustrative of what Democrats are too

  • Wait!  I know!  I have an idea!

  • Maybe they can combine both visuals into their national symbol…

  • When making hard decisions, I always say ‘and’ is a great word

  • A ‘Donkey’ AND a ‘Pretzel'

State-sponsored pornography

  • Once again, this legislature did nothing to eliminate child pornography in our public and school libraries

  • In light of the fact taxpayer dollars are used to fund books containing child pornography in our public and school libraries, you can basically refer to this as ’state-sponsored pornography’

  • I find it fascinating that the liberals, who, quite frankly, loathe ‘free speech’, love to invoke the First Amendment (censorship!) when they try to explain why child pornography should be allowed in our public and school libraries

  • My view, though, is that Scripture trumps the First Amendment

  • Jesus was pretty clear on this topic

  • As a matter of fact, the concept of ‘offending the little ones’ is mentioned in three of the four Gospels (Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2)

  • “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

  • There aren’t many biblical verses/concepts that are mentioned in three of the four Gospels - the fact this is mentioned in three of the four probably means it is pretty important to Jesus…I’m just sayin...

  • It will be interesting to see how some of the Pretzels try to wriggle out of this one on their day of judgment…

  • You cannot pray to our God before each legislative session asking for guidance, wisdom, protection, etc. and then spit in his face with state-sponsored child pornography…Hypocrites!

  • Another thing I am confused about - as I understand it, minors can’t buy magazines like Hustler and Playboy at the local convenience store because they have pictures of naked women in them - but the 38 House Democrats are okay with books graphically describing the relationship between an adult man and an underage boy being available in our public and school libraries…  Huh?!?!?  I wonder what the ‘best and brightest of Wyoming’ will say about that when they repatriate back to Wyoming?  Maybe the 38 Democrats should submit a questionnaire to people who want to move here from out of state in the future to make sure they think the right way...

Property Taxes

  • We have heard over and over again in recent months that the House was going to provide ‘property tax relief’ to the overtaxed residents of Wyoming, so what did they do?  Out of the dozens of alternative bills and amendments put forth, the 38 Democrats:

  • Passed the worst possible property tax bill of the numerous bills that were up for consideration - House Bill 45

  • Many of you are worried that the author of this bill will receive a lot of credit for this horrible bill - don’t worry, the people of this state are not as stupid as the bill’s author and his supporters think they are

  • This bill will GUARANTEE that your residential property tax bills will double at least every 11 years going forward

  • It excludes personal property and land from the equation

  • The bill’s author said prior to the session that he would vote for the best ideas

  • So, what did he do,

  • He voted against reducing the rate of increase of his exemption to 3% or 4%

  • He voted against clawing back the start date of the increases to 2019 values

  • He voted against anything that would have provided true relief to you

  • He comes from the school of ‘reducing the rate of increase’ is a ‘cut’

  • I can’t wait to see how the 38 Democrats try to spin this one with their constituents this coming summer

  • Property tax statements come out in about 6 weeks (end of April)

  • My prediction:


  • The 38 Democrats are going to say ‘it’s not as a bad as it could have been if not for us'

Liberal Math

  • Example #1 - Spend $100,000 to get back $500

  • Apparently, someone (or some group) has sent some flyers to various representatives around the state over the last few months highlighting the voting record of these representatives to their constituents

  • And, apparently, those representatives were none too happy that someone (or some group) was shining light on their voting record

  • So…what do some of your liberal representatives suggest?  ‘Let’s give the attorney general $100,000 of taxpayer money to find out who is creating and sending these flyers.’

  • From what I understand, the penalty for sending anonymous flyers is a $500 fine

  • Liberal Math:  Let’s spend $100,000 of taxpayer money so we can fine whoever is guilty $500

  • NOTE - fortunately, this amendment did not pass - maybe there aren’t as many liberals in the House as we thought...

  • Example #2 - Wyoming Business Council

  • Spent $86m in the 2023/2024 biennium

  • Generated 197 jobs from that $86m spent

  • $86m divided by 197 jobs = a cost of $436,548 to the taxpayer to generate each job

  • To add insult to injury, the governor is requesting $107m for the upcoming biennium (up from $86m)

  • Liberal Math:  $86m to generate 197 jobs was such a good investment, we are going to give the WBC another $21m this next biennium…

  • 'Maybe if we keep throwing good money after bad, stupid Wyoming companies will start to hire more people...'

  • Example #3 - ‘Mineral Companies’ pay 50% of the property taxes in Wyoming - Wyoming residents should be grateful to mineral companies

  • Cost of 5-gallon wood stain

  • October 2022        $199.99

  • October 2023        $279.99 (42% higher after sales tax)

  • Wood stain is a petroleum-based product

  • Mineral property taxes went up 66% in 2022 and 44% in 2023

  • Does anyone still wonder if/how/why increased taxes impact end consumers?

  • The 38 Democrats in the Wyoming House and the Wyoming Taxpayers Association love to say ‘our friends in the mineral industry’ pay most of the taxes in Wyoming – they either intentionally or ignorantly ignore the fact that mineral companies pass along their higher costs to the end consumer

  • Example #4 - ‘We cut spending in 2025/2026!'

  • Wyoming spent ~$9.5 billion in 2023/2024

  • The Legislative Services Office told us that only $8.7 billion is needed to fund the government in 2025/2026

  • The governor requested $9.9 billion to be spent in 2025/2026

  • The house recommended a $11 billion budget in 2025/2026

  • The senate recommended a $9.6 billion budget in 2025/2026

  • The house/senate settled on a $10.6 billion budget in 2025/2026 (pending line item vetoes; excludes $900m in governor letters to add to the budget)

  • So the liberals claim that they cut $400 million dollars in spending ($11b - $10.6b)

  • Even though $10.6 is 

  • $1.1b more than was spent in 2023/2024

  • $1.9b more than the minimum required to run the government in 2025/2026

  • $700m more than what the governor requested

  • Example #5

  • We just voted to spend $2B more in 2025/2026 than we did in 2023/2024 and we just voted to put another $750 million in Wyoming state reserve/savings accounts

  • But we cannot afford to reduce residential property taxes by $300 million this year

  • ’The government can’t afford it.  Sorry taxpayer!’

  • Example #6 - My husband buys a $30,000 car…

  • My husband goes out and buys a $30,000 car...

  • He comes home and says he saved us $10,000 (because the car was listed at $40,000)

  • ’No honey…you did not save money - you spent $30,000 (that we can’t really afford anyway…)'

Rocky Mountain Power (Rate Increases)

  • Many of you are aware that Rocky Mountain Power, which supplies electricity to ~150,000 ‘customers’ in Wyoming, has asked for two separate rate hikes:

  • One Time Rate Hike of 7.6% = ~$50.3m (~$335 per person; ~$1,340 for a family of four)

  • Ongoing Rate Hike of 21.6% = ~$140m/year (~$933 per person per year; ~$3,733 for a family of four each year)

  • RMP and their liberal supporters would have you believe that ‘residents’ would only see a $19.72 per month increase (on average) in their bills ($236.64 per year per ‘household’)

  • If RMP has 150,000 customers and their increase is only $19.72 per month, then that only generates $35 million per year vs. the $140m/year that RMP told our elected representatives - where is the other $105m coming from?

  • They want you to believe that RMP’s commercial customers will just eat their rate increases and won’t pass along their rate increases to you, ’the customer’ - ‘residential customers’ will only pay $236.64 per household and ‘commercial customers’ will pay the rest of the $50.3m one time increase and the rest of the $140m per year increase.

  • More liberal math…

  • No wonder these mathematically challenged liberals do not run their own businesses - they would go out of business


Rocky Mountain Power (Property Taxes)

  • The 38 Democrats in the House would have you believe ‘mineral companies’ pay 50% of the property taxes in Wyoming - that these ‘mineral companies’ eat the cost of the property taxes they pay to Wyoming (i.e., they do not pass along the cost of those property taxes to their customers…)

  • More liberal math…

  • While RMP is not a ‘mineral company’, it is an ‘industrial company’ which does pay property taxes to Wyoming - so I am going to use it as an example for any ‘company’ (‘mineral’ or other) which pays property taxes to the state of Wyoming

  • For example, of the $2.25 BILLION in property taxes collected by the state of Wyoming in 2023, ~$25.7m was paid by RMP

  • As a matter of fact, 

  • RMP paid ~$143m in property taxes to Wyoming from 2017-2023

  • RMP’s property tax bill in 2023 ($25.7m) was 51% higher than its property tax bill in 2017 ($16.7m)

  • RMP’s property tax bill has been increasing at an average of 9% per year from 2017-2023


  • DO THESE 38 DEMOCRATS REALLY BELIEVE RMP HAS ‘EATEN’ THE COST OF THE $143M IN PROPERTY TAXES IT HAS PAID TO WYOMING SINCE 2017?  That none of the 150,000 RMP customers are reimbursing RMP for these $143m in property taxes via the rates they are charged for electricity?


In other words, as mentioned in the ‘Economic Truism’ section above, one of the biggest causes of higher inflation in a country is higher spending by the government

The more the government spends, the more inflation

Don’t forget…state government employees earn >20% more than their private sector counterparts…and the 2025/2026 state budget is asking for a 12.6% increase in personnel costs…so government workers who already earn 20+% more than private sector workers are now going to be paid even more than their private sector counterparts.

So what are private companies going to have to do?  They are going to have to raise their prices to do two things:

  1. Raise prices to recover the higher tax revenue needed to pay record high government salaries

  2. Raise prices to generate enough revenue to pay their own private workers enough salary to compete with government salaries that are 20+% higher than private sector salaries

Do you see the vicious inflation cycle that is being created by our beloved governor and his 38 Democrat colleagues in the House?

Speaking of Rocky Mountain Power...

  • Did you know that RMP donates several million dollars EACH YEAR to liberal charities and ‘charitable organizations’?

  • Where does that several million dollars come from EACH YEAR?

  • ANSWER:  Your utility rates

  • So, your utility rates are funding charitable donations to organizations you may have a fundamental disagreement with

  • I wonder how much more money will go to these ‘charitable’ organizations after your utility rates are raised another 21%?

  • Would you rather your utility rates go down by the amount of these charitable donations so you can keep this money for yourself and decide where/how/who to give your charitable donations to?

Mental Health - Part 1


  • The number one cause of mental health/suicide issues - financial stress

  • Has Governor Gordon even considered that his fiscal policies and the fiscal policies of his 38 sycophants may be the biggest reason for Wyoming’s worsening mental health crisis?

  • Has Governor Gordon even considered that his liberal policies and the liberal policies of his 38 sycophants which support/promote child pornography in our school libraries and public libraries and which defend transgender procedures in our minors and which create gender confusion in our youth might be contributing to mental health issues in our minors?

  • Has Governor Gordon (and his 38 sycophants) even considered that the Covid lockdowns he imposed and supported may have contributed to the mental health crisis?

  • Has the governor considered that his policies are a self-fulfilling prophecy?

  • Typical liberal tactic - create and implement policies which cause problems in our society and then ask for tens of millions of dollars to ‘fix’ the problems they created

Mental Health - Part 2

  • The Governor and his 38 allies need to be consistent on this topic - do they really believe there is a mental health crisis in Wyoming?  Or are they trying to create another strawman argument in the state whereby they can ask for tens of millions of dollars more in taxpayer money to spend with their families, friends and liberal, out of state donors?

  • Before anyone condemns me for such a harsh question, I direct you to the Governor’s own BFY25/26 Budget Book - pull quotes from his narrative on page 9

  • We saw more individuals in crisis in 2022 than any other recorded year as demonstrated by the 5,181 calls that came into the 988 hotline…

  • The good news is that only two percent of these calls required an emergency activation…

  • I ask you to join me in supporting the efforts to expand the 988 suicide prevention hotline capacities to add text and chat services. We need to ensure all methods of communication are available to those at risk of suicide so that no matter the communication preference, someone is available to support them in their greatest time of need…

  • Wyoming has a current shortage of mental health professionals that will not abate without deliberate action. 

  • There is an anticipated 12 percent expansion of needed workers by 2030.

  • 2% of 5,181 calls into 988 required ‘emergency activation - 104 calls in 2022 = 2 calls per week

  • 5,181 calls = 100 calls per week

  • To be clear, rational logic teaches us that ‘more calls’ does not necessarily equal ‘more crisis’ - that is liberal logic/math

  • It is possible that the same (or fewer) number of people were ‘in crisis’, but that they have more access to assistance...

  • How many of these calls were ‘repeat’ calls?

  • The state already spends in excess of $100 million per year on various ‘mental health’ programs

  • On top of the BILLIONS of dollars spent every year by the federal government on ‘mental health’ programs

  • How much does Governor Gordon need?

  • The House is asking for $40m in the upcoming biennium to expand the capabilities of the 988 hotline - $40 MILLION?  WHY?

  • The only explanation given for the $40m was to add text and chat capabilities to the 988 hotline.  $40 MILLION TO TEXT AND CHAT!!!!

  • There was no ‘bottom up’ number given to justify the $40m - in other words, they just pulled that number out of the air

  • How many of you who run small businesses, can just pull numbers out of the air when asking for money from a bank or when estimating what it will cost to do something to increase the capabilities of your business

  • UPDATE ON THIS - the House and Senate settled on giving $20m for this expanded capability - how did they decide $20m?  Are we only going to get half the capabilities?  Was $20m the right number all along and the governor was asking for more than he really needed?  In my experience, when a large number is rounded off to the nearest million, there is no bottom up justification for that number - someone is just pulling that number out of the air.  It will be interesting to see if we have twice as many calls in the coming year because we only approved half of the request...

  • They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

  • I wonder what would happen if we took child pornography out of school and public libraries

  • I wonder what would happen if we stopped paying for transgender procedures and surgeries for minors

  • I wonder what would happen if we had not locked down Wyoming

  • I wonder what would happen if the government was not imposing so much financial stress on the lives of Wyoming families

  • The governor claims we will need 12% more mental health professionals by 2030; however, I think it is safe to say based on current population trends that Wyoming’s total population will not be increasing 12% over the next 6 years - as a matter of fact, our state’s population has decreased over the last few years

  • So if our population is not going to increase 12% in the next 6 years, then why do we need 12% more mental health professionals by 2030?  Is it because our population is aging?

  • If the governor is going to spend in excess of $500 million on ‘mental health’ over the next 6 years, then why do we need 12% more professionals?

  • Is he implying that his plan to avoid/reduce mental health issues is not a good one?

  • Or is he admitting that his fiscal and social policies will actually lead to a 12% increase in mental health issues over the next 6 years?

  • Rather than throw even more money at mental health, maybe we should look at the effectiveness of the government related organizations who receive ‘mental health’ related taxpayer dollars…

  • University of Wyoming

  • Department of Health

  • Department of Family Services

  • Medical Licensing Board

  • Board of Nursing

  • Board of Psychologist Examiners

  • Board of Mental Health Professions Licensing

  • Board of Nursing Home Administrators

How can we have a ‘growing’ mental health problem with all of these groups receiving taxpayer dollars to combat mental health issues?

Do we need to replace those who are in charge of these organizations with people who are more capable, competent?

What is the best way to reduce (eliminate?) mental health issues in Wyoming?

  • My personal view is that the best way to improve the mental health situation in Wyoming is to remove/replace the godless Democrat cancer which has spread throughout this state and country.

  • Surely everyone sees the correlation between the move to the left by the country over the last 20 years and the increase in mental health issues in our country?

  • Not only will removing/replacing the godless Democrat cancer which has spread throughout the state/country reduce the number and severity of mental health issues in our state - that will in turn reduce the need for spending on mental health issues - the fewer mental health issues in our state, the less mental health spending needed…

  • Surely everyone sees the correlation between the increase in child pornography, promotion of transgenderism and sexual immorality and the increase in mental health issues.  Anyone who supports or defends sexual immorality is directly responsible for the increase in mental health issues in our state

  • History teaches us that some of the ’sickest’, most perverted people in the history of the world were the sexually immoral, godless, ancient Romans...

  • So…let’s remove/replace those in public who defend and promote sexual immorality.

  • Not to mention removing, replacing those in public office who are creating so much of the financial stress our citizens are having to endure

  • Until we replace the godless Democrat cancer with Jesus, no amount of money in the world will solve the mental health crisis in this state or in this country



The #2 profession for atheists is psychology - why would we want more atheists engaging in the mental health issues of our citizens?

No disrespect intended by this next statement - but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If we keep electing the same 38 Democrats to the House year after year and if we keep electing governors like the one we currently have, then why would we expect mental health to get better in this state…

If we keep doing what we are currently doing, then it makes complete sense that mental health issues will continue to grow, thereby, resulting in the need for even more taxpayer funding...

"Wyoming is Not a Bank” (a direct quote from one of the 33 Pretzels)

  • Most of you are aware by now that the state of Wyoming has in excess of $29 BILLION in various reserve/savings accounts

  • To put $29 BILLION into perspective:

  • $29 BILLION = ~$49,650 for every man, woman and child in the state

  • $29 BILLION = $198,600 for every family of four in the state

  • Did you know?

  • American credit card debt hit an all time high in the fourth quarter of 2023  - $1.13 TRILLION - $1,130,000,000,000

  • $1,130,000,000,000 = $13,700 for a family of four

  • One of the 38 Democrats in the House humorously mentioned during one of the committee meetings in the last few weeks that ‘Wyoming is not a bank’

  • Well…I did some research… If Wyoming were a bank, $29 BILLION in assets would make Wyoming the 76th largest bank…IN THE COUNTRY

  • 76th out of more than 4,800 federally insured banks in the United States

  • As a matter of fact, if I did the math (which I haven’t yet), I am 99.9% certain that if you took all of the assets from Wyoming’s ’state banks’ and added them up, that the assets of Wyoming’s ’state banks’ would not even come close to $29 BILLION

  • In other words, the state of Wyoming ‘Bank' is larger than all of the other ’state’ banks in Wyoming combined

  • Examples of ’state banks’ in Wyoming:  First Northern Bank of Wyoming; Cheyenne State Bank; Security State Bank in Sheridan, Worland, Greybull; etc.

  • I have excluded ’national banks’ like Wells Fargo, First Interstate, US Bank, etc. from this analysis

  • So when the state of Wyoming lends out money to various businesses, counties and municipalities, it is creating a massive distortion in the local market place…

  • If I ran or owned one of Wyoming’s ’state banks’, I would be losing sleep every night wondering ‘how can I compete with the State of Wyoming Bank?’

  • The short answer to that question is:  ‘I could not’

  • So, what did the governor propose and what the 38 House Democrats support - moving another $750 million in ’surplus revenue’ in to the $29B State Bank of Wyoming on top of the $1.5 BILLION they moved from your savings accounts to their savings accounts last year for a total of $2.25B in the last 12 months

  • How much is $2.25 BILLION of your money?

  • $2,250,000,000 = ~$3,850 per Wyomingite = $15,400 for each Wyoming family of four

  • How many of you would like to have $15,400 in your bank account vs. the government’s bank account?

  • How many of you would like to have that $15,400 back in your pocket so you can pay off the $13,700 balance on your credit card that is being assessed an 18-27% interest rate?

  • The liberals love to tell us that having $29 BILLION shifted from your bank accounts to the state of Wyoming bank accounts helps to keep your taxes down

  • What an absolute crock that is...

  • That $29 BILLION does nothing more than fund ‘more government’ - basically your savings accounts are used to

  • Pay salaries to government employees that are 20% higher than your salaries

  • Pay for $25,000 per year health, dental, life insurance plans for government employees

  • Pay $1.4 million for a new laundry room at the Law Enforcement Academy

  • Etc.

  • In other words, money from your savings accounts is not being used to keep your taxes low, it is being used to enrich the donors, family and friends of Wyoming government employees and elected officials

Speaking of the $29 BILLION of your money that is being managed by the State Treasurer and the 3rd party investment managers he hires…your $29 BILLION has only been earning a rate of return of about 5% per year for the last 20+ years.  

To put that into perspective, the annual rate of return of the S&P 500 has been about 10% (double that of what Wyoming is returning)…

So y’all are paying tens of millions of dollars per year in ‘management fees’ to earn a rate of return on your money that is half the market return…

How many of you would like your money back so you can spend/invest it the way you think is best?

As a matter of fact, the 5% average annual return is less than the 6.8% annual return that state of Wyoming pensioners earn on their pension contributions…

Maybe we should fire the investment managers of the $28 BILLION in Wyoming reserves and hire the managers who are running the pension system?

Once again, government employees, friends, family and donors enriching themselves on the backs of the taxpayer…

Household Income, Insurance, Retirement - Wyoming State Employees vs. Private Sector Employees

  • Wyoming State Employee average annual wages are 20.4% higher than Wyoming Private Sector average wages ($68,538 vs. $56,945) (as of Q2 2023)

  • Wyoming State Employee average annual wages grew 9.92% from Q2 2022 to Q2 2023 vs. 1.95% for Wyoming Private Sector Employee average annual wages

  • As a matter of fact, when you do the math, the first $17,307 that a private sector employee earns actually has to go to paying the wages for the 63,251 public sector employees.

  • Average State Employee Total Compensation = >$100,000

  • Average Private Sector Employee Total Compensation =< $80,000

Average WAGES


Q2 2022

Q2 2023

% change

Private Sector (all)




Private Sector (excl Retail Trade)




Federal Employees




State Employees




Local Employees






Private Sector Employee

Wyoming State Employee

Average Annual Wage



Average Insurance – Employer Contribution

Single employee, $6,094

Employee + Spouse, $11,760

Family, $15,993

 #’s above are ‘Health’ only

~$25,000 per employee

(health, dental, life)

Average Insurance

Single employee - $1,888

Employee + Spouse - $3,949

Family - $6,235


Pension/Retirement – Employer Contribution

0-5% contribution match

15-27% of salary


Average Total Compensation

<$80,000 per employee

>$100,000 per employee

Ethics - the Wyoming Speaker of the House entertains ethics charges against the some of the freedom loving 24, but he does not entertain ethics investigations against:

  • At least three of the 38 who do not live in their house district

  • One of the 38 who called one of his constituents a jerk when that constituent requested financial information from the county who that representative is also a prosecuting attorney for

  • One of the 38 who recently attended the memorial service for a peace officer killed in the line of duty - this ‘one’ was allegedly seen looking at his phone DURING the service - surely there are House rules for conduct unbecoming of one of its members for looking at their phone DURING the memorial service of a fallen peace officer

  • One of the 38 who plagiarized a speech by former President Lyndon Johnson on the House floor

  • Why is the house speaker not investigating the allegations of one of its member's job being threatened for not voting the right way?  Surely threats like this are unethical if not illegal...

Suggested Mandatory Training for Our Public Employees (state, county, city, town, special districts) and Elected Officials

  • 8-hour mandatory class on the US Constitution (to remind them of their constitutional/legal obligations)

  • 8-hour mandatory class on the Wyoming Constitution

  • 8-hour mandatory class on Microeconomics (so they understand how the real world works)

  • 8-hour mandatory class on Macroeconomics

It was pretty clear from what I observed during the 67th Legislative Session that most of our elected representatives and the bureaucrats in the executive branch are constitutionally and economically illiterate - no wonder this state is moving in the wrong direction…

While the legislature is at it, maybe these mandatory classes can be turned into semester long requirements for our K-12 students...

In closing, if you like/believe

  • Record spending

  • No tax relief

  • Shrinking GDP

  • Child pornography in your schools and public libraries

  • Government control of your children

  • Government salaries that are 20% more than private sector salaries

  • Government controlling the lives and decisions about what is best for your children

  • Men can compete in women’s sports

  • Men can have babies

  • Government should control if parents are made aware of their children’s gender ‘decision'

  • Etc.



At the end of the day, who do you want writing the history of Wyoming?  Liberal Pretzels? or Freedom-loving Conservatives?

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Unknown member
Apr 05
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Chris, thank you so much for all your work putting this together and everything else that you’ve put together!

Job well done!


Unknown member
Apr 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Mr. Williams, you are a treasure! I hope you never quit your surveillance. I like the pretzel idea for the fake Republicans. My alternate idea is a pair of burning pants! Liar, liar, pants on fire.


Unknown member
Mar 25
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hi Chris! Don’t know you but I like everything I read.

I’m not an economics genius but I can do a budget. Pathetic that Wyoming is being lead down the liberal socialist trail by “38” Liz Channey Republicans and a governor just like them. (I might add neither Lizzy or Mark are native Wyomingites.)

I believe we who truly love Wyoming and remember our Roots need to stand up and take back what the devil has stolen.

Thank you for posting !

Joyce Geis


Unknown member
Mar 24
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Let's maintain momentum and throw the bums out.


Unknown member
Mar 24
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Any/everything we NEED to know about our WY taxes and overgrown government. WE MUST GET TRUE conservatives in our WY leadership. THANKS for the hours (days & weeks) of research.


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