Partial list of Bills to vote No on:
HB0004 - Medicaid twelve month postpartum coverage
HB0007 - Underage marriage-amendments
HB0024 - State investments-compensation and relocation amendments
HB0030 - Wyoming's tomorrow scholarship program amendments
HB0032 - Education mill levy amendments
HB0033 - School finance-career technical education grants
HB0034 - School finance-mental health services
HB0046 - Wyoming public safety communications system trust fund
HB0053 - State officials' compensation commission
HB0061 - Source material associated with mining-agreement
HB0062 - Open banking
HB0063 - Vacancies in elected office
HB0068 - School zone crosswalks
HB0074 - Wyoming outdoor recreation trust fund
HB0080 - Medical treatment opportunity act-Medicaid reform
HB0099 - Property tax refund program
HB0102 - Election recount amendments
HB0109 - Wyoming works for tomorrow
HB0190 - Wyoming value added energy and industrial plan
HB0207 - Change in party affiliation
HJ0002 - Constitutional amendment-residential property class
SF0010 - Licensed professional counselor compact
SF0016 - State employee-moving expenses
SF0020 - Driver's license and ID card photo quality
SF0022 - Wyoming public safety communications system funding
SF0038 - Special license plates-organ donations
SF0046 - Community college funding-inflation adjustment
SF0054 - Judges-housing allowance
SF0061 - Legislator per diem
SF0062 - Legislator health care-2
SF0079 - Plan of safe care-newborns
SF0090 - Wyoming property tax relief authority
SJ0003 - Property tax exemption for the elderly and infirm
SJ0006 - Political expenditures
SJ0009 - Right of individual privacy-constitutional amendment
SJ0010 - Right of health care access-constitutional amendment