This is an update as a result of my public comment at the December 5, 2023 Sheridan County Commissioner meeting. After several emails back and forth between myself, the County Commissioners and the Deputy County Attorney, I received the following email dated Monday, December 18, 2023 from Christi Haswell – Chair of the County Commissioners.
Good afternoon Harry,
We have and do take public comment. I will work on more consistently asking the audience if they have any comments. If you have something you would like to inform us on, please raise your hand when that item comes up on the agenda. If we have a lot of folks that want to comment, we set up the appropriate time limit that allows everyone an opportunity and we encourage folks not to make repetitive comment. If you have a handout, you can bring 5 copies or Clerk Thompson will be able to make copies for us. I look forward to seeing you at our meetings.
Thank you,
As you can see, persistence and holding your ground pay off! I have thanked Christi for changing her unconstitutional policy from only allowing public comments on matters NOT on the agenda to allowing public comments on matters both on and off the agenda. Christi Haswell also chairs the SAWS JPB and has adopted the same policy. It is my hope that she will make the same change at those meetings as she has committed to doing for County Commissioner meetings.
Don’t be afraid to speak your mind!
Harry Pollak
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”Leonardo da Vinci
Thank you for staying consistently involved Harry. You do a great job at the civic duty of staying informed and involved.