Format: (vote count - priority) from 2023.12.21 - Weekly Priorities Report
Without these priorities
2 - Election integrity
2 - Government process transparency
1 - Actual representation of constituents by Electeds
Are these priorities possible
1 - Then on to the People’s business
1 - Roads & bridges maintenance
1 - Fire & police protection
1 - Zoning & planning that retains a civil and beautiful community for all
A few more specific priorities to consider for next week.
Next steps needed to address the big government strings addiction of the 4 BOCC members. Are they blinded by the money or is piling on the strings the point? Calling on citizens to participate in and support the effort. What aide can the Party and Representative Pendergraft offer?
Rejection of the City’s request for a letter from the BOCC in support of the Water Transmission Main Project to the WWDC.
Where are the taps coming from?
Is there enough water for the development sought?
Is the airport pipeline a higher priority?
Separation of County and City interests unless there are specifics that require a joint effort.
The SAWSJPB boondoggle dissolution agreement (currently tabled, not voted down) has only opened the door to questions of:
What is really going on?
Greater public scrutiny of the city’s housing council may be warranted.
Citizens have an obligation to make sure everything is on the “up & up”.
In particular there are questions of
procedural efficiency (just how involved does the board needs to be in the process) and
conflict of interest concerns with members on the board voting for contracts that they have potential ties to.
Ramping up for the budget session –
Getting Citizens informed on the issues, the options, and the bills.
Making sure, when the Citizenry states what We want, that our Representatives know what is expected.
If interested, we would like to form a network of citizens to help keep all interested actively in the loop for the 2024 Budget Session.
Contact Noll Roberts at for more on this possibility.
Again, any interest in the priorities mentioned here, adding additional priorities or voting/supporting a priority(ies), please, leave a comment in this post or
email us at or
Noll Roberts at
Merry Christmas Sheridan County, Wyoming!