We have been asked to provide a simple email format for those who are in opposition to the Columbus Peak Land Exchange proposal to address that sentiment to the Governor's Office.
If you are so inclined, read on: Directions:
Copy the below letter into the body of an email.
Make the "SUBJECT:" Columbus Peak Land Exchange Proposal
Replace <YOUR NAME> with your actual name
Copy the list of email addresses below into the To: box of your email.
Send email
Governor Gordon, I would like this added to the record that I absolutely oppose the Columbus Peak Ranch Land Exchange. Because this matter has been brought up multiple times by the same party and has been refused in the past, I'd like to see this matter closed with prejudice and not allowed to be entertained again. Respectfully, <YOUR NAME> Sheridan County resident
List of email address to send email To.
(Copy all the red addresses into the To box of your email.)
mark.gordon@wyo.gov, chuck.gray@wyo.gov, saoadmin@wyo.gov, treasurer@wyo.gov, askthesuperintendent@wyo.gov, jenifer.scoggin@wyo.gov, jason.crowder@wyo.gov, chaswell@sheridancountywy.gov, lwright@sheridancountywy.gov, tringley@sheridancountywy.gov, nsiddle@sheridancountywy.gov, hjennings@sheridancountywy.gov, bocc@sheridancountywy.gov, comms@scgop.us
For Your Information (FYI): Below is a list of who each email is for.
Mark Gordon <mark.gordon@wyo.gov> Chuck Gray <chuck.gray@wyo.gov> Kristi Racines <saoadmin@wyo.gov> Curt Meier <treasurer@wyo.gov> Megan Degenfelder <askthesuperintendent@wyo.gov> Jenifer Scoggin <jenifer.scoggin@wyo.gov> Jason Crowder <jason.crowder@wyo.gov> Christi Haswell <chaswell@sheridancountywy.gov> Lonnie Wright <lwright@sheridancountywy.gov> Tom Ringley <tringley@sheridancountywy.gov> Nick Siddle <nsiddle@sheridancountywy.gov> Holly Jennings <hjennings@sheridancountywy.gov> Sheridan BOCC <bocc@sheridancountywy.gov>
Republican Party <comms@scgop.us>