We received from Mark Jones a great opportunity to get together to celebrate our 2nd Amendment Rights. Mark is running for the seat vacated by Rep. Barry Crago, and will be joined by several of our current representatives.
There is no cost to attend, so come on out to Lake DeSmet on June 8th, 2024!
I hope people are paying attention to Mark Jones, a fabulous candidate. Folks in Sheridan County need to be aware that his district covers a large swath of our County, from Story, down through Claremont and up to the Montana border. He is all about fiscal responsibility and Constitutional law that keeps overreaching government in check. Of course that includes the freedoms enumerated in our 10 Amendments: "Government, thou shalt not infringe on free speech, thou shall not infringe on our right to bear arms,......" and on up to the wonderful 10th Amendment that states, "if we forgot anything, unless specifically stated in the Constitution, you can't do that either!" Don't miss the Wednesday Aug 14th event at Bomb…