Initial Questions
Why are you running?
What do you think our priorities should be?
How important is the party platform to you?
District 1 - Precinct 1
Iverson, David
Rader, Keely
Rader, Shane
Sturdevant, Christine
District 2 - Precinct 1
DeBolt, David
DeBolt, Mikkayla
District 2 - Precinct 2
Roberts, Noll
Wagoner, Sherry
Wood, Jack
Wood, Kathleen
District 2 - Precinct 3
Davis, Drew
Demple, Mark
Jennings, Holly
Leichtnam, Bev
Miller, Roger C.
Montano, Clarence E.
Montano, Stella
Moore, Lori
Moore, Marcus Todd
Olafson, Leah
Olafson, Robert
District 2 - Precinct 4
Abbott, Melinda
Abbott, Lance (Pistol)
Geary, Rita
Terrell, Casey R.
District 2 - Precinct 5
Dearcorn, Elizabeth
Evers, Michael (Mike)
George, Leslie A.
Hayworth, Judith A. (Judy)
Klopfenstein, Carla M.
Leibrich, LaDonna
Miller, Bryan
Perkins, Carole
Perkins, Bill
Rasmussen, Sharon
Schellinger, Jim
Schultz, Dave
District 3 - Precinct 2
Cade, Cindy
Miller, Susan
Pendergraft, Diane
Sturtevant, Myca K
Wallack, Jeff
Wyatt, Robert James
District 3 - Precinct 3
Craft, Jennifer
Forister, Robert Michael
Windsor, Tod
Windsor, Jan D
District 3 - Precinct 4
Billings, Nolan
Kessner, Jami L.
Kessner, Kevin K.
Trampe, Matai
Trampe, Natalie
District 3 - Precinct 5
Patceg, Andrew
Patceg, Brandy
Haseman, Jacob T.
Heyneman, John
Kelly, Gina
Kelly, Tom
Waddell, Arin
District 4 - Precinct 2
Albrecht, Amy
Sturdevant, Debralee
Sturdevant, James L.
Weitzel, Terrill J.
District 4 - Precinct 3
Brantz, Steven
Cole, Charles
Jennings, Dana
Jennings, Mark
Loftus, Alexandria
District 4 - Precinct 4
Fisher, David C.
Hill, Barbara A.
Kinner, Mark
Kinner, Tibbie J.
District 5 - Precinct 1
Minear, Adelaide
Minear, Loren
Lodovici, Kim
Lodovici, Michael
Terry, Michael
District 6 - Precinct 1
Alsup, Tobie
Bledsoe, Mary Ann
Lounsbury, Fred
Mullinax, Nathan
Mullinax, Sierra
Rambur, Shelta
Thompson, Allen
Thompson, Cori
Thorpe, Ken
District 7 - Precinct 1
Czaban, Kristen
Reinke, Daniel W.
Reinke, Shelley A.E.
District 8 - Precinct 1
Boender, Janice
Romanjenko, Mike Robert
Sawyer, Randy K
Twiford, J.R.
District 9 - Precinct 1
Lewis, Justin
Lewis, Trinity
District 10 - Precinct 1
Fennema, Jim F.
Fennema, Katie
Schock, Chris
District 11 - Precinct 1
Campbell, Elena K
Chase, John
Maier, Edre
Maier, Steve
Parker, Michelle
Parker, Robert W Jr
Wendtland, Anthony
Wendtland, Debra
District 12 - Precinct 1
Adsit, Roberta
Adsit, William (Bill)
Arzy, Michael R.
Burns, Bruce
Byrd, Robert
Ellis, Kathy
Koltiska, Mandy S
Koltiska, Travis G.
LeBlanc, Ronnie
Schunk, Rosemary B.
Smith, Wendy
Thomas, Kimberly
Tribley, Jennifer
Western, Cyrus
Widener, Lucy
Wright, Catherine
Wright, Lonnie J
District 13 - Precinct 1
Helmick, Jimmy W.
Helmick, Judith (Judy)
Siddle, Nick
Siddle, Tammy
District 16 - Precinct 1
Petzold, Stephen
Shepardson, Debbie
Shepardson, John
Symons, Gail
District 17 - Precinct 1
Helferich, Bryan
Helferich, Carolyn
Saur, Joel
District 17 - Precinct 2
Brackeen-Kepley, Barbara
Fox, Dennis
Kremer, Sharon
Winfrey, Janet
District 18 - Precinct 1
Watt, James R
Watt, Sheila
District 19 - Precinct 1
Cox, Steve
Dickerson, Gina
Dickerson, Hazen
Gerlach, Julie
District 20 - Precinct 1
Jann, Lucinda
Grover, Dan
Kilbride, Erin
Smith, Jeremy W
District 20 - Precinct 2
Scott, Emerson
McCright, Curtis
McCright, Sharon
Vote Ronnie LeBlanc, R.Ph. to effectively represent 12-1 at Sheridan County GOP mtgs. Just the facts, ma'am: Our current Pr C-man got over 3,000 votes last time, has name recognition, is absent at 99.9% of meetings, and has a RINO voting record in the WY House. You can vote him in again, or vote for me and get a 100% far-right conservative who attends 99% of SC GOP meetings and will solidly vote every plank of the entire WY Republican platform. Look for my flyer in your mailbox, take a minute to read it, and remember this: You can let WY drift to Blue with him, or get even Red-der with me. Please vote to exercise your choice. Cast your important vote for Ronnie LeBlanc in Precinct 12-1. I'm acting on what I believe is right, and am humbly asking you to do the same. I can't fix D.C., but I can help keep Wyoming the last best place.
Elena Campbell Precinct 11-1. I'm running because government at a Federal level and even in our States, has gone runamoch. We've lost all sense of what our Republic is/was and I do not want to see us go by way of CA, OR, WA, or CO. It appears that we're heading down that path. We better push back hard, now. This upcoming primary is hugely important. I'm running as a real conservative and am 100% on board with our Party Platform and our State and US Constitutions.
Thanks so much to Brenda for her wonderful post. I've discovered that getting out and about during this campaign is highly gratifying because I'm meeting astute, like-minded neigbors like Brenda. The following is some of my flyer, and yes, given my work with the Legislative Action Committee and attending many local meetings, I do have ideas on our most solid candidates for 11-1 which I share below.
About me:
· Maternal Child Nurse and mother of two.
· 4th generation Sheridanite from a ranching family.
· A member of the Republican Women of Sheridan County.
· Serve on the Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and am Team Leader for our Fiscal group. I also serve with the Election Integrity and Financial Freedom groups for LAC.
· I pay close attention to government activity at the Local, State, and Federal levels. I’ll serve you well by keeping you informed, acting as a resource for you, and getting your feedback on the issues most important to you so that I can share with the Central Committee.
I’m often told, “We’re so busy with our families and jobs, we just don’t have time to pay attention. We don’t even know who to vote for!” I get that. Our working families are literally having to run faster just to stay in place. The following are the individuals for whom I will vote in our Precinct 11-1 2024 primary election on August 20th. You will want to do your own research. You can find all of the candidates here:
and here:
Precinct 11-1: Two Committeemen and two Committeewomen - John Chase, Robert Parker, Elena Campbell, Michelle Parker.
County Commissioner, Unexpired 2 year term: Holly Jennings – already has an excellent voting record in her first months serving as our Commissioner.
County Commissioner, 4 year term: Mike Arzy, Noll Roberts. I’ve worked with both of these solid conservatives.
State Rep House 30: Tom Kelly. (Gail is a very nice woman, but every time I’ve heard her speak, it has been on the side of ever-expanding government and authority. Tom Kelly, by contrast, is a constitutional, libertarian-leaning conservative.)
State Senate 22: Mark Jennings - his voting record is unassailable. ( NOTE: I do not forget that Rep Crago, now running for Senator Kinskey’s seat, sponsored HB 45 which reads like this: exemption under this paragraph shall be any assessed value of the single family residential structure that is in excess of the prior year assessed value less any exemption authorized under this paragraph in the prior year, plus four percent (4%). That means our property taxes will rise by approximately 4% per year. There were MUCH better tax relief bills that didn’t even make it off the floor during the last budget session.)
US Representative: Harriet Hageman --- Harriet has been pushing back against over-reaching government from the first day that she walked into Congress. She is really fun to watch in her committee meetings. 😊
US Senate: I will vote for John Holtz, who by all accounts is extremely solid. (To me, Rasner does not sound as if he has a firm grasp of fundamental US Constitutional constructs, a must if one is to serve us well in DC. Senator Barasso’s voting record is poor on too many critical issues.) Here is a quote from John Holtz: “Do we wish to duplicate the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic where banknotes were used as wallpaper because the currency became worthless? We must elect someone with the courage to risk their career to do the right thing now.”
I have similar concerns given the run-away spending in DC that has been going on for decades. Most recently, Saudi Arabia announced they will not renew the OPEC petrodollar agreement. This means that fewer countries will buy our debt, nor will they want to keep our US dollars in reserve. We've accumulated 35 + trillion in debt and that is increasing by 1 trillion every 100 days. We're in trouble.
The good news is that we live in our blessed State of Wyoming. There is still time to batten down the hatches if we can get the right people in office. Take Care and reach out any time.
Elena K. Campbell or 970-531-2038. I’ll get you on our precinct mailing list.
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” Paul, Galatians 5:1 (NKJV)
Visit from Elena Campbell precinct 11-1 today:
She has the BEST campaign letter I've ever received. She is a true conservative; she realizes constituents are busy and don't always know WHO to vote for, she describes without condemning other candidates and endorses several of them. I hope she will come on this platform to share her thoughts. Informed voters are exactly what we need!
I am running for Precinct woman in 2-5. It has been a pleasure serving 2-5 in the past and working hard to participate in and uphold the Republican platform as well as the bylaws, state statutes, and the WY Constitution. I have previously lived in 2 states that have since turned blue and want to work hard to make sure this does not happen to our beautiful WY. In that regard, I have served as your current Sheridan County State Committeewoman, past president for 2 terms of the Republican Women of Sheridan County, as well as precinct woman for 2-5. While serving as state central committeewoman I have been involved in the Site Selection Committee (currently as chairwoman) and also the Committee to Win. It would be a great honor to allow me to continue to fight for your true WY values. Thank you in advance for your vote of support on or before August 20!
Natalie Trampe 3-4
I am running for Precinct Woman in Precinct 3-4 because I support the Wyoming Republican Platform and want to serve the people living in my Precinct and Sheridan County. I am thankful that the Sheridan, Wyoming, Republican Party remains anchored in traditional conservative values. I am running for this position to strive to uphold Constitutional ideals and moral standards. Integrity in our nation is lacking, and I would like to see Wyoming step up to bring back the ethics our State and Nation need.
100% . If one's values differ from the WY Republican Platform, do us all a favor and identify with the party whose ideals match yours. Stop the charade by deceiving the uninformed. We in the SCGOP know who you all are and we cannot respect you until you display honor by refusing to live a lie. Do not advertise that you hold Republican values when your actions and votes say otherwise.
Noll Roberts 2-2
Why are you running?
The national debt is $38+ trillion and counting. This debt burden is not sustainable. Debt enslaves. Debt is a burden that kills choice. Sheridan County needs to be fiscally restrained and responsible. County revenue should come from taxation that is transparent to the voter. I believe it is imperative that Sheridan County’s budget is balanced by the county’s revenue.
Noll Roberts 2-2
What do you think our priorities should be?
Standing on the Republican Party Platform:
All taxes collected must be used for the constitutional purposes of government. It is irresponsible to run up debts that are passed on to our children and grandchildren. Taxes should never be more than necessary to meet the government’s constitutional obligations.
Liberty is indivisible from economic freedom. The free-market economy is the economic system most compatible with the requirements of personal freedom and constitutional government. Government’s undue interference in the market, as well as the fiscal irresponsibility of government, results in economic inequity. There exists no fundamental right to the fruits of another person’s labor.
Our liberty and the continued success of our republican form of federal government demands continuous vigilance by “We the People.”
Our priorities should be.
The non-transparent cap-tax and gpet tax are counterproductive to fiscal responsibility. The cap-tax overwhelmingly goes to the City of Sheridan. Is this fair? Over half of the gpet tax goes into a slush fund. None of this is conductive to fiscal responsibility.
I would support legislation that bases property tax on the acquisition value. Further, agriculture, mineral, commercial, and industrial property taxes are pass on to the consumer of the commodities produced by these tax tiers, this does not happen with residential property.
As a county, we must live within the limits of our county’s revenue, appropriated from taxation, and still address our roads and infrastructure, which is our principal obligation. This will disappoint non-profits, of which there are over 545. Further, Sheridan County does not need a non-elected administrator, and the supporting, bureaucratic, human resources department. Departments which are not supported by state statute. I would recommend they be eliminated.
I am opposed to land trust housing because its primary function is to provide “rental” housing for civil servants. With this type of housing structure, the land will always be owned by the trust, and, will not generate property tax, comparable, to non-trust residential property. This land trust is socialism. I am opposed.
It is vital that we achieve the majority republican opinion before the primary election. I am urging the voter to be informed and vote for all choices presented to you on the ballot.
Noll Roberts 2-2
How important is the party platform to you?
The Republican Party Platform is essential for creating a sound criteria that organizes discussion, debate, and deliberation. It is the statement of our Wyoming Republican values.