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Rep Hageman - Last Chance to Oppose Natural Asset Companies!

The Wyoming Round-Up | January 7, 2024

There are only 11 days left to provide public comments on the SEC's rule to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs)!

As I mentioned two weeks ago, NAC's pose an existential threat to American property rights and national security. If authorized, environmental activists and foreign governments will be able to purchase "rights" to private and public lands (including our national parks and other federal property across Wyoming) to prevent any mining, grazing, logging, or other economic development on those lands. Wyoming's communities will suffer as large swaths of our lands will sit dormant, pulling money out of our economy and placing it into the pockets of foreign entities.

While I was able to secure an extension on the public comment period from the SEC (see my letter here), the rule is still under consideration. I encourage you to voice your opposition to this disastrous proposed rule and challenge the SEC’s authority to pursue NACs in the first instance. Please make your voices heard. Read the rule for yourself and provide comments via this link!

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Unknown member
Jan 10, 2024
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

This scenario strikes me as remarkably similar to the way the Nature Conservancy gobbled up "donated" money and then combined with natural resource departments of states to lock up lands from use - mostly any use. One of their good scams was locking up the DuPont Farm in Maryland or Virginia (I forget) so no more public hunting. BUT, they built a private reserve there for all the donors and board friends.


Unknown member
Jan 08, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for above link. I will study it closely. Very helpful.


Unknown member
Jan 08, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Everyone - this issue is so complex, the headline doesn't do it justice. Globalists have stated that by 2030 w e will own nothing - I'm talking all of us, except of course the globalists, who will own it all. This appears to be one of their magic bullets to do this. We need to publicize this like your life depends on it, because it does. We need more info in LAYMAN's terms on how to even comment on this. It's that complex. How do these things get this far? Organizations like the World Economic Forum and the UN have literally FILLED our government to the brim with pawns doing their bidding. Bush, Obama and Biden have helped them might…


Unknown member
Jan 08, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Pass on Natural Asset Companies. Seem less than helpful or useful at least to the common citizen or individual. The real question is. How does stuff like this make it to this point? Citizens shouldn't have to call an all hands on deck. Just to defend against anti basic common sense like this. Dismal example of what passes as leadership and value in our world today.

Unknown member
Jan 08, 2024
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Globalists are actively implementing "Agenda 21", at a shocking pace. Every decision being made by the administrative state and the reason for open borders, and the fall of the dollar are all tied into this agenda. They are trying to collapse the world economy to start over with all of humanity as slaves in their twisted totalitarianism with the excuse of Climate Change as the emergency imperative. Even Justin Trudeau has told his own people that by 2030 they will own nothing and be "happy". This is why everything coming out of Washington is complete insanity.


Unknown member
Jan 07, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for posting this. The following link helps to describe just how bad this idea is. It has big ramifications for Wyoming.

By Margaret Byfield


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