I wanted to make you aware of something disturbing happening in Johnson County today. The public health officials are holding a “mass vaccination” exercise with the stated purpose of rehearsing how to vaccinate EVERY CITIZEN within 48-72 hours.
See - https://sheridanmedia.com/news/148308/mass-flu-clinic-pod-event-happening-friday-in-buffalo/
If they are planning it in Johnson County, there is a good chance they are planning it statewide.
A follow-up article had audio interviews that referred to requirements to do so. https://sheridanmedia.com/news/148687/public-health-offering-flu-clinic-pod-event-friday/
Requirements from whom? State? Federal? World Health Organization?
There would never be a situation where EVERY person would receive a vaccine without a massive violation of their constitutional rights.
The timing so close after Biden illegally ceded our US sovereignty over to the WHO regarding anything they deem to be a pandemic (Global Pandemic Treaty) is suspicious.
Mark Jennings is aware and looking into it.
We need to reel in Public Health.
Mark Carroll
I will not comply with this stupidity!
Thanks Mark Carroll for the post.
Thanks Rep. Mark Jennings for looking into this issue.
We do not want a repeat of the COVID-19 government attack on Citizen liberties and rights.
Unfortunately state and local government has already demonstrated a lack of good judgment on the issue. Though we did fare better than most is that regard.
Yet still in doing so, created the worse outcome of all. The further deterioration of trust in our leaders and our own ability to elect decent and effective representatives.
God help us, if a real pandemic that requires humanity to unite, and address the issue; where to happen.
I would encourage all, in haste, to continue to keep the topic of mandatory mass vaccination front and center along with the general issue of how to elect and support representation that is of, by, & for the people while concurrently rejecting and removing all else from any position of authority or power?
Noll Roberts
Sheridan precinct 2-2