Arzy, Michael R.
Custis, Lynn
George, Nicholas
Roberts, Noll
Shuck, Harley
Wright, Lonnie J
Initial Questions
Why are you running?
What do you think our priorities should be?
How important is the party platform to you?
© 2023, Sheridan County Republican Party Mailing Address: 1590 SUGARLAND DR, B218 SHERIDAN, WY 82801 Phone: (307) 920-0215 Email:
Noll Roberts 2-2
How important is the party platform to you?
The Republican Party Platform is essential for creating a sound criteria that organizes discussion, debate, and deliberation. It is the statement of our Wyoming Republican values.
Noll Roberts 2-2
What do you think our priorities should be?
Standing on the Republican Party Platform:
All taxes collected must be used for the constitutional purposes of government. It is irresponsible to run up debts that are passed on to our children and grandchildren. Taxes should never be more than necessary to meet the government’s constitutional obligations.
Liberty is indivisible from economic freedom. The free-market economy is the economic system most compatible with the requirements of personal freedom and constitutional government. Government’s undue interference in the market, as well as the fiscal irresponsibility of government, results in economic inequity. There exists no fundamental right to the fruits of another person’s labor.
Our liberty and the continued success of our republican form of federal government demands continuous vigilance by “We the People.”
Our priorities should be.
The non-transparent cap-tax and gpet tax are counterproductive to fiscal responsibility. The cap-tax overwhelmingly goes to the City of Sheridan. Is this fair? Over half of the gpet tax goes into a slush fund. None of this is conductive to fiscal responsibility.
would support legislation that bases property tax on the acquisition value. Further, agriculture, mineral, commercial, and industrial property taxes are pass on to the consumer of the commodities produced by these tax tiers, this does not happen with residential property.
As a county, we must live within the limits of our county’s revenue, appropriated from taxation, and still address our roads and infrastructure, which is our principal obligation. This will disappoint non-profits, of which there are over 545. Further, Sheridan County does not need a non-elected administrator, and the supporting, bureaucratic, human resources department. Departments which are not supported by state statute. I would recommend they be eliminated.
I am opposed to land trust housing because its primary function is to provide “rental” housing for civil servants. With this type of housing structure, the land will always be owned by the trust, and, will not generate property tax, comparable, to non-trust residential property. This land trust is socialism. I am opposed.
It is vital that we achieve the majority republican opinion before the primary election. I am urging the voter to be informed and vote for all choices presented to you on the ballot.
Noll Roberts 2-2
Why are you running?
The national debt is $38+ trillion and counting. This debt burden is not sustainable. Debt enslaves. Debt is a burden that kills choice. Sheridan County needs to be fiscally restrained and responsible. County revenue should come from taxation that is transparent to the voter. I believe it is imperative that Sheridan County’s budget is balanced by the county’s revenue