Regular Board Meeting
Sheridan County Courthouse Addition
224 S. Main St,
Second Floor Board Room,
Tuesday, February 20, 2024,
9:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order and Pledge.
2. Consent Agenda: See packet.
a. 01/16/2024 Staff Meeting Draft Minutes;
b. 01/16/2024 Regular Meeting Draft Minutes;
c. 01/22/2024 Staff Meeting Draft Minutes;
d. 01/29/2024 Staff Meeting Draft Minutes;
e. 02/05/2024 Staff Meeting Draft Minutes;
f. 02/06/2024 Regular Meeting Draft Minutes;
g. Ratify Amendment 1 to Lease Agreement between 2nd Chance LLC and Sheridan County Wyoming, for 1845 Gabrielle Court, Unit E;
h. Ratify Permit for Supervised Public Display of Fireworks for Sheridan Motor Sports Association on July 4, 2024, at Sheridan Speedway, Sheridan, WY;
3. Consider Agenda.
4. Announcements.
5. Public Comments on Matters not on the Agenda.
7. Consider Memorandum of Understanding between Sheridan County Board of Commissioners and Sheridan County Clerk. Starting on page 34 of packet.
8. Consider Lease Agreement with Quadient Leasing USA Inc. (DBA Midwest Connect LLC) for an iX-7 Series mailing system for the County Treasurer’s Office. See packet.
9. Consider Lessor’s Consent to Sublease between Bighorn Airways Inc, and Bighorn Flying Company, LLC. See packet.