If you're aware of how our skies are being polluted and our weather altered (in a way to create the illusion of manmade climate change), with the end goal to control us and take away our freedom, then please join me in attending and hopefully respectfully challenging this guy speaking at SC on Wed. If you'd like to become more aware of the nefarious UN agenda behind this activity check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8k7ISO-_nU - Please comment below. Sheridan is an easy place to observe these activities because we still have a few days where they do not spray our skies or zap our clouds (usually on Sundays) and the result is our crystal clear blue skies, but sadly, most days you can see the dirty huge trails sprayed from planes. Modern airliners do not pollute the skies by themselves. This is intentional.
Mark C
I appreciate the responses. I agree that Dane's assessment that the warming is occurring may not be correct but the main concern I have is the spraying, the secrecy, and the harm to us, the crops, animals and forests. They're not trying to fix anything, but just cause chaos.
PS. I listened to the You Tube. I'm not in agreement with him that we're seeing global warming. The way those temps are measured (on concrete tarmacs, etc) calls the data into question. Our sun has the biggest influence, and then atmospheric cover affects the sun's influence. This is complex. Study independently and draw your own conclusions, but at the least, I hope people will be in agreement that spraying our skies, at tax payer expense, should end. I just want them to leave Mother Nature alone, and then come what may.
I'm pleased that Mark is calling attention to geoengineering. I've been observing it since 2006, or so, but the oldest technology goes back nearly a century. If this is new to some readers, just watch the skies over the next serveral weeks.......really pay attention. You might see a regular commercial airliner with the typical contrail that is not long and disappears readily. Contrast that with other planes that leave long trails behind that will sometimes extend horizon to horizon. Depending on atmospheric conditions, as you watch, these trails spread out into a silvery haze. There is plenty of information available that confirms geoengineering activity. Bromium and aluminum are harmful. The practice to must stop, but it won't until more people pay attention and speak out. It is yet one more thing that we fight. I'll be away for this important event at the College, but I hope people show up en masse. Thank you, Mark, for letting us know.